School News

WGVPS Swimming Carnival 2022

On Wednesday 23 March, the Years 4-6 competed in the annual School Swimming Carnival, held at Fremantle Leisure Centre.

It was an exciting morning of friendly, but competitive swimmers participating in a range of strokes, displaying their ability in the water whilst competing for their faction. 

There were fantastic swimmers across the board. Congratulations to our Championship and Runner Up winners.

Year 4 Girls:     Champion -  Anna                       Runner Up - Myla 

Year 4 Boys:     Champion -  Nate                      Runner Up - Arthur 


Year 5 Girls:     Champion – Tama                       Runner Up – Bea 

Year 5 Boys:     Champion – Oscar                      Runner Up – Joel 


Year 6 Girls:     Champion –Jasmine                     Runner Up – Dot 

Year 6 Boys:     Champion – Gabe                        Runner Up – Charlie 


Parmelia was crowned the champion faction this year, beating Success who came second and Challenger who came third. I would also like to make special mention to all the parents that helped to make our day a success.


Everything has lined up for sculpture lovers during this school term. Seventy-three artists have recently exhibited their sculptural forms in Fremantle. Their work has stretched across Bathers’ Beach and into and around Kidogo Arthouse. From artist Marian Giles’ delicious life like clay models, replicating ice-cream cones to big works like Sam Hopkins’ ‘Balancing Act’ made of Corten steel and rocks, there has been a distinctively West Australian flavour and input. Some of the works included a global focus. If you missed this wonderful exhibition, I recommend visiting the online home page for images and information including artist statements.

Now ‘Sculptures by the Sea’ has begun. Artists representing twelve countries have contributed to this event. It is notable for being the world’s largest free sculpture extravaganza as it hops between Bondi and Cottesloe on an annual basis. This too has a user-friendly online home page showing Australian and International talents in this field.

Our school’s focus this term is on SCULPTURE and I guess this will come as no surprise. Heading off to the Cottesloe coastal sites are what some of our students have already done or are intending to do. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive.

In my experience visiting in person tends to be an adventure. It may lead you to meeting an artist, thinking about the novel ways of engaging with the works or even getting up close to a GIANT SEABIRD. In my case it was the latter devouring a fish and looking down from its new sculpture perch. Our little group of sculpture lovers had to jump out of the way to avoid being flicked by flying scales and … extras.

On the school front, art classes and student engagement is moving full steam ahead. Papier mache armatures of bent and coiled wire or twine, animal hybrids, i-pad high fashion and personal footwear lines by our budding designers, observational detailed drawings based on favourite cross trainers are some of the art-making tasks going on. Experimentation has also occurred, at school or home, with the use of Blu Tac and kitchen foils to create action figures. Next will come pipe cleaners, florist wire and modelled body parts made from recycled papers and glue. On the home front flour, water and a couple of drops of disinfectant eg sanitizer can be used if you want to improvise.

Air drying clay is going to be popular with the Year Threes. They have interpreted cultural icons, heroes and gods using paints and dyes and coloured pens.

Year Twos have been investigating birds. Their sensitive mixed media studies are particularly sophisticated this year. Experimentation with texture through built up lines and colour overlay have been integral to making their studies seem life like.

Not to be left out of the creative process our Year Ones have busied themselves identifying and matching colour. Printmaking, Drawing, Collaging and making colour trails with colourful items. They have graduated to become colour detectives.

Colour understanding and responding through singing and chanting have also been enthusiastically adopted for colour awareness. 

Please take the time to view some creative moments in our art room area by looking at these slides. Websites for our major sculpture events are as follows and

I hope that you enjoy.

Catherine Henderson (BA Fine Art)  

Cricket Visit  

On Monday 14 March, 2022 we were fortunate to have Cherie Pirnie from the Western Australia Cricket Association attend our school to run a Sporting Schools Cricket Inclusive Program for the Years 4-6. The program consisted of practical cricket activities that focussed on fun, fitness and friends with the aim of increasing the participant’s confidence and competence. Cherie mentioned a huge thankyou to all White Gum Valley students for having such amazing manners, a fabulous vibe, and how lovely it was to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones. It was a great day enjoyed by all.  

Ride/Scoot/Skate To School and Bright Sock Wearing Competition

E-Safety with the E-Safety Commissioner

With children spending more time online playing games, going on YouTube and using social media, they may face challenges with on-line bullying. 

The e-Safety Commissioner Website has a page dedicated to young people who are seeking support in reporting online bullying. Click on the image below and it will take you straight to the page that you can show your children to help empower them to seek help.

White Gum Valley - Good Standing Policy