From the Deputy Principal

Jason Fay  

Student Leadership 

As shared already in this newsletter, we installed our Senior Leaders in Chapel today. Over the coming weeks, children in other year levels will have a chance to nominate for year level leadership opportunities. 


Previously in INSPIRE I shared about how at St Paul we have a very clear and distinct 'Image of the Child'. This shapes our work and behaviours as the core first principle of why we all work in a school community. Having this robust image challenges the blind spots we have. It challenges the notion of 'but we've always done it like this'. If it doesn't align with a core first principle, then it needs to evolve.


The notion of 'Student Leadership' or SRC is one such notion. For a start, we try not to use the word student too much as the word student. The word student comes from the  Old French estudiant "student, scholar, one who is studying". It focuses very much on the academic aspect of the child. 


For our SRC to evolve and closely align, at the very least it needs a name change as it is no longer merely a Student Representative Council. Have you any ideas on what we could update this to? email me at if you have any ideas. Carly Lethborg will be the staff member working with this body this year and she can be contacted at


Harmony Day

On Friday March 18 we will celebrate Harmony Day. This is a celebration of all of the cultures in our school, from the oldest continuous culture of our first Australians to the cultures of our newest arrivals from around the world.


Harmony Day allows us to share our individual stories, whilst promoting inclusion and fighting back against racism in all of its forms. 


To celebrate Harmony Day, we invite students on March 18th to wear an outfit that represents their cultural background, or orange, the official colour of Harmony Day. More information will be shared via SeeSaw and Inspire in the coming weeks.   



Jason Fay | Deputy Principal