From the Principal

Leila Mattner 

Welcome Evening

Thank you to families who visited us outdoors last week for an opportunity to meet the teacher in a COVID-safe way.  While we are aiming to reduce the spread of COVID in schools, we will continue to search for different opportunities for families to engage with us.

2022 Student Leaders

This morning we installed our 2022 student leaders. Congratulations to these dedicated students, including all of our Senior students who will serve as leaders of St Paul Lutheran School in 2022.


School Captains

  •  Zain Wahedi
  • Mackenzie Raethel

Community Leaders

  • Nantu – Scarlett Nuske, Jackson Talbot, Dang Pham
  • Kadli – Chiderah Ojimba, Mithun Naresh Kumar, Liam Doyle
  • Kardi – Hannah Purton, Hutton Broome, Kate Hall
  • Kurraka – Celia Baxter, Clara Fay, Flynn Wilke
  • Yaltu – Cooper Heading, Siena Fedojuk, Charlize Martin

Video footage of this installation is available on our Live Streaming Page (closed group only).

Our Student Representative Council members in other year levels will be installed at a later time.

COVID-19 in St Paul

This week, we have the majority of children in Year 4W and Year 5L learning from home due to COVID—19 cases. Please be assured that this strategy will only be used when necessary, and that families will still have the option to have children supervised at school if needed.


To stop the spread of COVID-19 we ask that all families:

Keep unwell children home and have them PCR tested if they have any COVID symptoms, even mild. If they cannot get a PCR test, then an exclusion period now applies. Children with symptoms who have not had a PCR test should be considered a positive case and excluded from school for 10 days, with day 0 being the day that the symptoms developed. Therefore, any child with symptoms should either have a PCR test or stay away from school for 10 days.

Encourage your child to wear a mask in Years 3- 6. Communicate with your classroom teacher about your preference for mask-wearing, and ask your child how they went with their mask-wearing for the day. Many children will take their mask off if they see other children not wearing them and it is then difficult for the teacher to know who has a mask to wear. Teachers will also support if you would like your younger children to wear a mask. Remind your child about the importance of hand hygiene. Washing hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap and water is great, and hand sanitiser is a good second option.


At school, all learning spaces and other areas of the school are well-ventilated, with windows and doors open wherever possible, and air conditioners running to bring fresh air and good air flow into rooms.  Children are learning and playing outside where practical to do so for effective learning. We are also monitoring our learning spaces and office spaces with CO2 monitors. These readings give us an indication of how effective the ventilation is in our classrooms. 


I am very grateful for the support of all parents in following SA Health advice and the school directions that follow from this.


Leila Mattner | Principal