Learning in M40

Mrs Jen Bradford

Middle School M40 Bradford is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

News in M40.

Over the past few weeks, the students in M40 have been learning about writing memoirs and making personal connections with the texts they read.  We have explored a variety of mentor texts that the students enjoyed reading and viewing.


The mentor texts we have read include Grandpa Stories, Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge, and The Remember Balloons.  The students enjoyed learning about how different memoirs could be written and what a memoir is. 


Our reading strategy that linked with this was making personal connections to text using our experiences and memories of similar events.  The students particularly enjoyed the Remember Balloons which details a small child remembering all the experiences he has had with his grandfather and the Remember Balloons are a metaphor for the memories they have shared and how memories live on with each generation.


The students then each created their own remember balloon with a memory that was important to them.  The detail and care they took is a reflection of how much they enjoyed learning from the text and making connections to their own lives.


We hope you enjoy the pictures of their Remember Balloons.

Mrs Bradford

Year 4 Teacher