Principal Team's Report

Kerryn Baillie, Jane King and Renee Cotterell

Ms Baillie
Mrs King
Ms Cotterell
Ms Baillie
Mrs King
Ms Cotterell


It has been an exciting fortnight at the Springs with the Year 3-6 students being able to attend athletics as normal.  It was fabulous to see the students excited and participating. We had the biggest parent attendance we have ever had and appreciate all the families who were able to head to Casey Fields to cheer the kids on.  A huge thank you to Scott Holmes and his team for organising the day. 

100m sprint was a popular event
100m sprint was a popular event


Our Junior School students have been engaged in learning across all areas of the curriculum.  It is fantastic to see how quickly our 2022 Prep students have settled into routines.  Our Year One and Year Two students have been outstanding at showing our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. 

District Swimming

A huge congratulations to our swimmers, Dylan, Seamus, Alyssa, Hayden, Mika, April, Lillian and David.  Their sportsmanship, encouragement and participation at District Swimming last week was a proud moment for the Springs.  Good luck to Seamus and Dylan who are now competing at the Division Swimming Carnival on the 9th March.  Go Sharks!

New Yard Activities

This week the concrete painters returned to add more activities on the grounds.  These add to the many activities the students have to enhance their learning and have fun! 

COVID Safety Measures

  • Rapid Antigen Testing will continue for Term 1. 
  • Please remember to send a mask, we have not received any student masks from the Department yet.  Mask wearing for students in Years 3-6 indoors (unless medically exempt) will be treated like uniform.  Staff are being extremely supportive and sensitive towards supporting students in remembering to correctly wear their mask and mindfully maintaining social distancing when students are unable to wear a mask.  DET have directed all schools to treat deliberate and persistent non-compliance (staff/students/families) of mask wearing as a serious matter.
  • Mask wearing for students in Years P-2 is optional but recommended by the Chief Health Officer and DET
  • Air Purifiers are in all classrooms
  • We are moving learning outdoors as much as possible
  • Physical Education lessons will be taken outdoors where possible (hats and sunscreen needed)
  • We are keeping windows and doors open during learning times
  • High touch areas and devices regularly wiped down
  • Sanitising before and after break times and during lessons as needed
Year 4 use the outside classroom for learning
Year 4 use the outside classroom for learning

School Council

Nominations for School Council have closed and we have received 6 nominations for 5 positions.  Next week you will receive a ballot paper, I encourage you to read about each candidate and cast your vote, and return it to the office in the envelope provided. 

Don't forgot your hat!

We encourage all parents to have a chat with your child/ren about wearing our uniform with pride.  A reminder that hair colour should be 'natural' and jewellery should be minimal under our dress code regulations.  A SunSmart (broad-brimmed or legionnaire style) hat is mandatory for all students during Term 1 and Term 4.  Students without a hat will be directed to sit in an undercover area during break times.

Thank you

Thank you to Mr McKinnon for stepping into the position of helping our school community cross the road safely.  He was even super prepared with his self made 'lollypop' stop sign. We have been informed that a person has now been employed by the council to supervise this area.  If you do notice that our crossings are unmanned before and after school, please contact the office immediately.

We are very much looking forward to a busy and productive fortnight ahead, take care.


The PSPS Leadership Team