Principal's News

Dear Parents/Carers,

    I trust families were able to enjoy an extra day for some rest and relaxation over the past weekend. Lots of camping and fishing went on according to some happy kids this morning.

I had the privilege of attending a beautiful wedding at Moama of a young boy I’ve known since his birth. It was one of those weddings where the love and happiness of Bride and Groom was obvious to everyone there, and this love was celebrated, really celebrated by all in attendance. 

Love is to be celebrated, of course. We celebrate love for it is the reason we all exist and it’s to be protected and held in high esteem.

Love builds families and gives our children stability and nourishment as they grow. And as it builds families so LOVE  builds communities and societies of peace, contentment and respect. Love is the enemy of hate and discrimination and injustice and war.

More than ever now, as the poets and the songwriters through the century have urged us - WE CHOOSE LOVE.

COVID-19 Just as we may have thought Covid was waning this morning we have the highest number of positive reports and close contacts amongst staff and students for 2022. Please remain vigilant about any possible symptoms in your household and continue to test twice weekly as recommended.

I think we have all been pleasantly surprised as to how small the impact of Covid has been on the school this year. We need to continue to be vigilant to minimize the impact on our school community.

Another reminder about the mask rules and recommendations:

Grade 3 to 6 students are asked to continue to wear a mask indoors as are staff. 

  • Staff can now do Yard duty without the mask, which is very welcome. 
  • It is no longer compulsory but “recommended” that children in Grades Foundation to 2 wear a mask whilst indoors at school.

Also, it may be helpful to remind us all of the Health Department suggestions at this time:

It is recommended that all staff and students complete 2 Rapid Antigen Tests per week.

1. Parents/carers should complete the RA Test portal if a student tests positive to COVID-19 (via a PCR or rapid antigen test). Parents/carers should inform the school by phone or email if a student tests positive

2. Students who report a positive result must isolate for seven days and not attend school during that period.

3. Where a student is a household contact of a positive case (that is, they have spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation, or care facility) they must inform the school and isolate for seven days and not attend school during that period.

HOWEVER if a second person from the same household tests positive later in the week (e.g. Dad on Sunday, then Mum on Wednesday) the student’s isolation DOES NOT start again. That student should complete a R.A.T. 6 days after the first known infection and if there is a negative result the student can still resume school on Day 8. 

Furthermore, IF a student has had Covid-19 and then completed their 7 days of isolation, they are then exempt from completing R.A.T. Tests for 30 days.


COVID VACCINATION CLINIC The school will be running a follow up clinic. Many children who received their first dose at our earlier clinic in February may use this opportunity to receive their second dose of vaccine. Children who may have received their first dose of vaccine elsewhere may also use this clinic to receive their second. This clinic may also be used for a child’s FIRST dose of vaccine if parents so desire. The clinic is to be held on Tuesday, April 5th from 9:30am - 12:30pm in the morning. Parents may book those appointments via PAM (via “Parent Teacher Interviews”) from today.

As for the first Vaccination Clinic, children will not be vaccinated unless a parent or guardian accompanies each student.


DIGITAL TATTOO We are all very much aware of the power of the internet and the way in which the online world impacts on how we work and play in 2022. Our school works very hard to educate our students in the benefits and dangers that exist online.

I would humbly point out to parents (again) that Primary School children CANNOT and SHOULD NOT use social media such as Instagram, Facebook, etc. - they just aren’t emotionally ready for it. This is why these platforms have rules about minimum ages. They are there to protect YOUR child.

As part of our commitment to educate our students in the safe use of the internet we have invited the Barwon Adolescence Task Force to work with our students and their parents on this very topic.

My thanks to our I.T. leader, Jeremy Richardson who has organised the program.

The program will take place next Thursday March 17th and will involve Grade 3 to 6 students. A Parent/ Carer session is being offered to parents from all levels across the school from 7:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. (Children may NOT attend the adult session)

All Parents and Carers must wear a mask to attend the session. 


ATHLETIC SPORTS Congratulations and thank you to Ms Lynch who organised last Friday’s Athletic Sports.

Thank you too, to the many parent helpers who helped us to run events. Congratulations to all students for the manner in which they competed and conducted themselves and especially to Aundell House who took out the trophy as Champion team.