The literacy corner / Le coin des bouquins,

We have loved seeing all of the Writer’s Notebook Cover and the care and effort that the students have put into making it special to them.  We have had some fantastic Writer’s Notebook sessions across the school and we are looking forward to using our creative “seeds” in our future writing.  


Emily and myself are passionate about reading, both personally and as teachers. We are going to try and regularly share tips, ideas, titles we love… with hopefully the help of some students as passionate as us ...


Why is Reading wonderful   ?

  • Reading makes you travel …
  • Reading distracts you when you need it ...
  • Reading is free ...
  • Reading reduces stress...


And on a learning point of view ...

Regular reading  improves :

ALL the literacy skills : (how amazing is this   ????)

  • Sentences structures
  • Vocabulary
  • Ideas 
  • Languages conventions 
  • Spelling
  • Imagination

How do you achieve this as apparent when you are busy, overwhelmed etc  ?

Make it a game ! Reward the effort, it can be 4 times 5 minutes ...

If your kid is reluctant, begin by making him/her listen to a podcast … still helps with structure etc …


As a French teacher, I see a direct correlation between the level of French and the commitment to read in French. If you struggle to find great French books, feel free to contact your child French teacher, we have many resources that could help .

Emily Wade and Anne-Cecile Floch  literacy leaders 


Below are a few book recommendations from our senior students. Enjoy


La suggestion française de Capucine :

La cabane en péril de Jean-Claude Lalumière 

Cette histoire parle d'un petit garçon, Bernard, qui a construit une cabane dans la forêt avec ses amis . Mais un jour, ils entendent un gros camion jaune détruire des arbres. Ils découvrent qu'on va construire une autoroute qui traverse la forêt, passant par leur cabane. Les garçons accompagnent les zadistes pour arrêter cela. Ils vont devoir créer des pièges …


"J'aime bien quand Bernard et ses amis parlent aux zadistes pour protéger la forêt. J'aime bien cette partie car les zadistes ont des histoires intéressantes à partager . 

Ce livre est pour les enfants de 8 à 12 ans .Je pense que c'est un bon livre à lire car ça nous apprend l' importance de la Nature et qu'il y a des gens qui protègent l'environnement .

Capucine Husser , 6F 


I would recommend Boy Overboard because it is an interesting and realistic book. The characters had believable traits and it showed how life is so different depending on where you live.


George Kotsovolos Year 5



I would recommend reading Holes because there are different story lines that all connect. It has great description and action throughout. There are lots of twists and turns


Tal Goldwasser

Year 5