Meet Our College Captains


Bridget Mascurine, Liturgy Captain, Clyde North Campus


What do you see as your role as a leader?

As a leader of St. Peter’s College I aim to be a servant leader for my peers, a person whom they can look up to as well as a person who they can talk to when they need help. My role as a leader involves being confident, friendly and approachable not only to members of St. Peters College but also the extended community. I also want to follow in the footsteps of St. Peter and ‘Be Not Afraid’ when trying new things and taking opportunities.

What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

For me the biggest positive is definitely our school’s diversity. Our school to me represents the beautiful cultures of the world and how we embrace that in our school. With our school being incredibly diverse our school community has a very prominent welcoming feel to any new students or visitors which is appreciated greatly. 

Who is the one person you admire most and why?

I may not be able to choose one person but I can definitely say I admire my whole family the most. They constantly push me to do the best I can and encourage me to step out of my comfort zone and become a better person for the future. Without them I would not be who I am today and I am eternally grateful.

What are your goals as Captain in 2022?

My goal as Liturgy Captain of Clyde North Campus in 2022 is to encourage participation of students in school activities whether it’s liturgies, lunchtime games or even volunteering in fundraisers, I would love to promote that kind of work throughout our school no matter what year level. With mine and the other captains' support we will encourage and support our peers to try something new to create a close school community. 


 2022 College Theme

“Therefore prepare your minds for action”. 1 Peter 1:13

 How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

As Liturgy Captain this theme motivates me to always be prepared for unexpected situations. In the past 2 years we all have been in many tough situations like  remote-learning which was really new to everyone, although it was difficult we all learnt to be ready for action and any changes to our lives that come at a moments notice. So from this statement I will live by preparing for unexpected change and prepare ourselves for action.

In one sentence what is the one thing that you would like to say to your fellow students?

Just a reminder, in life when you can’t pay it back, pay it forward.

Madelynne D’Alberto, Liturgy, Cranbourne Campus


What do you see as your role as a leader?

As a leader, I see my role as being someone that students can look up to. I want students to always feel that when they are talking to me, they have a safe space. My role as a leader is to inspire students to always treat others with kindness and respect and also to be the best they can be.

What is one of the positives about being a student at St. Peter's College?

A positive of being a student at St. Peter’s College is the inclusivity/sense of community. There is something for everyone, and all students are welcome. There are so many clubs and activities for students to participate in. The Houses feel like homes, especially in MacKillop House, where we are like one big family. 

Who is the one person you admire most and why?

The person I admire the most is my Nanna, Norma. 

She is incredibly strong. In all of her 87 years, she has been through so much, but no matter what happens, she always pulls through. She is the light of our whole family and she is so loved by absolutely everyone she meets. She always loves to have a joke and makes everyone smile. I aspire to be like her every day.

What are your goals as Captain in 2022?

My main goal as Liturgy Captain is to help students feel pride for their religion. I feel that in our teenage years, religion tends to be pushed aside or isn’t considered as important. I want students to feel more in touch with their faith and be  proud of their beliefs. This could look different for many students, whether it be getting more involved in liturgies, doing volunteer work, or praying more often.


 2022 College Theme

“Therefore prepare your minds for action”. 1 Peter 1:13

How will you live this statement through your leadership role?

I love this theme, and I feel it is especially relevant this year while I am in Year 12 as well as having a Leadership role. A leader should always have a plan and be ready, so I will prepare myself to take action to achieve my goal of helping students feel  proud of their faith. 

In one sentence what is the one thing that you would like to say to your fellow students?

Stay resilient and never give up, even in hard times.