Clyde North Campus News

This year’s theme for the National Day of Action is ‘Kindness Culture’ which speaks loudly to our St. Peter’s College community as the K in ROCKS stands for Kindness.  The challenge presented to each student in Tutor Group last Friday was to consider how does building a kindness culture start with you?

Over the last two weeks, the College Captains launched the ROCKS campaign starting with R- Respect. Given the timing of the National Day of Action, they decided to move to K – Kindness for the remainder of the term.

The College Captains have set each Tutor Group the following tasks in an attempt to build a wall of Kindness representing our College’s commitment to creating a culture of kindness. The activities are:

  • Over the next two weeks students in Tutor Group are invited to write a message of kindness to each other - these are then shared will be displayed on the wall of kindness in the library.
  •  Over the next two week students in Tutors or classes will either draw a picture or take a photo or bring in a picture/photo  that represents kindness to them and their family. These too will be used to build the wall of kindness.

I have included in this edition of the newsletter some facts around bullying and a link to some terrific resources for families to prompt and support conversations and actions that promote Kindness and engage in positive action against bullying and violence. 

Rosemary Graham House Challenges are on – Romero style!

Our first major Rosemary Graham House Challenge took place last week with the hugely successful Romero House Amazing Race. Each House was represented by a team of 10 students and a staff member. That meant over 80 students and 10 staff took place in this incredibly fun activity that involved racing around obstacles including some slightly weird and wonderful challenges to win the ultimate prize; Rosemary Graham points. My sincere thanks go to Ms Karen Williams and her House Captains and to all the staff and students who participated. A fantastic event that will become a annual event. 

"The Romero House Amazing Race consisted of a range of challenges that each House Group collectively worked through. The first series of clues we had to get through together as a team included,  recognizing House emblem symbols, stacking cups and eating dry Weet-Bix. Dry Weet-Bix you ask? YES you heard me right … DRY WEETBIX And let me just say that was "CEREALSLY" the driest, most crumbly thing ever! The challenges were great, and seeing the fierce competitiveness amongst the students and teachers from each House was hilarious and the immense amount of support shown for one another really pinpointed the family aspects of each House. Romero House's activity surely was a fantastic idea as it allowed each of us to delve into our competitive side and work together collectively from Year 7 to 12.  Fantastic job Romero House! You have really set the bar high and I’m sure us students are keen to see what the rest of the Houses bring to the table."

- Miss Mikaela Lafaber Year 12 Mackillop

And the winners are……..Augustine House – Congratulations and well done everyone.

Discovery Evening

Last week we held the Discovery Evening, which opens the campus to Year 5 students who will be in Year 7 in 2024. The evening provides prospective students and parents with a close encounter of the experiences and curriculum offered at St. Peter’s College. Leading a tour group of 10, over 12 sets of tour guides, our House and College Captains took the parents and children to 12 different stops, each stop representing a curriculum area showcasing the extensive learning opportunities available at St. Peter’s College. A very successful evening with well over 130 people in attendance. Thank you to our tour guides, you are really our best resource and advertisement of what it means to be a student at St. Peter’s College. 

Whilst we have only a few weeks left until the end of term, there is still many activities and events to occur, including:

25 March 2022 – Yr 7 & 10 Immunisations

29 March 2022 – Harmony Day

30 March 2022 – Year 7 Police Information Seminar


Finally, an important reminder: Parents and guardians must not drive onto school grounds, the carparks are for staff only and not for drop off or pick up. This is becoming a risk to our young people as they arrive and depart each day. Your child must be dropped off or picked from outside the grounds. Thank you for your support and compliance. 


I wish you all a safe and productive week.


Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus