Winter Interschool Sports

The students in year 4, 5 and 6 are practicing for their chosen winter sport at lunch time, with teachers and with each other. This level of commitment is evident with each sport experiencing victories in their own ways.
Students from the Netball A team have said they are able to move the ball around better than before. Netball B are very competitive and are dramatically improving their workings of the sport.
AFL continues to show excellent sportsmanship and an eagerness to play right up until the last whistle.
Soccer has shown that when we work as a team, that we are able to achieve some great results.
The students are extremely keen when it comes to participating in team sports. According to 'Project Play' by the Aspen Institue, kids that played team sport scored on average 40% better on school test results than those who played no sport at all. It is important for students to feel a sense of belonging and mastery to reach their full potential and sport can be that avenue while proving further direction and motivation to study. As an example, having the opportunity to study the Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Sports Science) was a major motivator for many students to work hard in English and Maths. Being able to build a life around sport gave me the enthusiasm to learn in the classroom and for many students at Marangaroo, this pathway could serve them just as well.
We are currently participating in the following sports at school but if you are on Class Dojo, there is a link to most sporting clubs in our area.
AFLKingsway Junior Football Club
NetballWanneroo Districts Netball Association
(We have a great relationship with the Paua Rose Netball Club)
Soccer Wanneroo City Soccer Club
Kingsway Indoor Sports StadiumFree Trial Classes available
Clinics for various sports and abilities available
Multi-Sports – Jungle SportsJungle Sports available at Kingsways Indoor Sports Stadium
There are no Winter Interschool fixtures this week as it is a student free day, but please feel free to come along to spectate and support our teams on Friday 9 June at home at Marangaroo PS. Noting that Soccer games are at Cabrini Park on the corner of Giralt Rd and Marangaroo Drive.
Last week, the A netball team played very well against Goolelal PS, scoring early in the game. The final result was 2 goals to 9 in favour of our visitors.
Maddy was selected as best player. Well done Maddy!
Mr Robert Lee
PE Teacher