Denise's Message

Dear Families,


End of Term 2

This term has certainly flown by very quickly and it is hard to believe we only have two weeks left of school before our mid-year break begins. This a reminder to all that Term 2 will end on THURSDAY 22ND JUNE at 2PM.




Parent/Teacher/Student Conversations

These conversations will take place on Thursday 22nd June, 2.15pm-5.30pm and on Friday 23rd June, 8,45am - 1pm.

You will receive the link to book your appointment with your child's class teacher and you also have the opportunity to book a time with our Specialist teaching Staff, Pippa - Japanese, Sarah - P.E. Luisa - Art, and Stacey - Music. These meetings can take place in person, online, or via the telephone. I ask that all families book an appointment with their child's classroom teacher as it is important for you to hear about your child's successes during Semester 1 and to learn the focus of their learning for the rest of the year.

This year it is expected that your child attends this interview with you, so they can also talk about what they are proud of in their learning and what they would like to learn going forward.

If you require any assistance in booking your appointment times please see Indi in our office.



As part of their Make Know Do learning a  group of Year 5/6 students, Valiah, Nina and Chloe have organised a Disco for St Michael's P-6 children to enjoy. This work has required them to engage in all aspects of Event Management such as organising the date, venue, DJ, food & drinks, advertising, ticket sales, and guidelines for the Disco. 

They have had to justify their pricing and look at the profit/loss aspects of running an event. This has been an excellent learning experience for each of them. 

It has been more than 3 years since we had a school disco so I ask that you support them in their endeavour to create a fun experience for our children. 

Please go to the Student Leader News page for more details and ticket sales information. 



The current negotiations for the new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement for all staff in Catholic Education have been an extremely long process and finally, the agreement is now being put to all staff to vote on. The new Agreement addresses increasing wages and improving working conditions with a focus on reducing the demands on staff for out-of-hours work. 

When staff attend events such as Camps, sacraments, night meetings, or other before or after school events, it is all unpaid work and done voluntarily. The agreement proposes to address this by outlining the hours staff can be directed by the school to work and any work done outside these hours will be classified as Time In Lieu and will need to be paid back to them.

St Michael's staff have always been dedicated to providing each child with every opportunity to engage in learning both within and outside the designated working hours and will continue to do so. In order for this to occur some small changes will need to be made to our current school working hours. Such minor changes in our time schedule will assist the school in meeting the new Agreement 30+8 hour working week. This information will be shared with families as soon as possible.

I thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in this matter.


School Fees

Thank you for ensuring that your account is up to date. It is a requirement that all families pay their school fees on time so that the school can meet its financial commitments. 



Denise Hussey 




'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.