Yarning Circle News
Week 3 and 4 for the yarning group has seen the students able to try some new activities and celebrate an upcoming event. During week 3 the students participated in indigenous sport games, where the traditional games have been adapted for the current generation. Takyerra and Gorri are the names of the games, students were able to play. Both games involved a number of skills each student had to call upon. Dodging and throwing were the main aspects of each game.
During week 4 students were introduced to Sir Doug Nicholls round in the AFL, formerly known as indigenous round. This round on the AFL is a celebration of all past and current indigenous players throughout the AFL. The students were able to watch some videos about the importance of the round to the indigenous players and have conversation about this AFL round. After conversations over this round of AFL, the students then designed either an indigenous ball, jumper or emblem that they would like to see for their football team or a team they had made up. These designs are displayed on the library window for all to see. As a group we played some games involving the skills used in AFL as an extra celebration of the AFL round.