Parent/Carer Participation in Evaluation Survey

Year 11 Educational Pathways Program

Dear Parents/Carers of Year 11 students


As you may be aware, our school is part of the Educational Pathways Program, designed to raise awareness and provision opportunities to explore vocational training and employment pathways through 8 initiatives.


As a parent/carer of a student who has participated or is currently participating in one or more of the initiatives listed below, we would appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete a brief survey.


Initiatives your child/ren may have been involved in include:

  1. Innovating careers education, led by a dedicated Head Teacher Careers to engage students in careers related activities, events and opportunities.
  2. Enhancing School-based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs), led by a dedicated officer to support and mentor students interested in/and completing an SBAT.
  3. TAFE NSW early school leavers, for students that may have needed an alternate pathway to traditional schooling.
  4. TAFE YES (plus), provides tasters in a range of trades and vocations delivered at a TAFE.
  5. Apprenticeship and traineeship head start, provides opportunities to get a feel for what it is like to do an Apprenticeship or Traineeship.
  6. Job readiness workshops – supporting students to understand the world of work and how to approach getting their first job (including haircuts, interview clothing etc).
  7. Back in the game – provides specialised support for students to re-engage in learning.
  8. Educational Pathways VET Ambassadors – young people who have successfully navigated a vocational pathway sharing their stories and advice with students.

Your participation in the survey will help us better support students in vocational training and employment programs.


Please complete the survey link below by COB Friday 11th August. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and answers are anonymous and confidential.

Evaluation survey

Additionally, we will also be distributing an online student survey to all Year 11 students in participating EPP schools on Wednesday 26th July. If you do not wish for your child/ren to complete the survey, please complete the attached “Educational Pathways Program Student Survey non-consent form” and return it to your school administration office by Tuesday 25th July. A FAQ is also emailed which contains more information on the Program.


Thank you in advance for your time and support in shaping the future of our school. Your input is appreciated.



Amika Prasad
