Learning @ Brigidine

“Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardour and attended with diligence.”  Abigail Adams

Learning @ Brigidine

“There is none like You, O Lord; You are great, and great is Your name in might”. Jeremiah 10:6 


As we reach the halfway point of Term 2, I encourage students to reflect on their application and approach to learning thus far. In reflecting upon strengths and identifying areas that require improvement, we are able to plan the best approach forward to achieve our learning goals. Students who have been applying themselves diligently, are encouraged to maintain their dedication. For those who upon reflection, recognise that an improvement is needed are encouraged to finish the term strongly. 


At this time of the term, students are completing assessments for a variety of subjects. It is important that students view these tasks as opportunities to demonstrate their learning and all that their hard work has achieved. Assessments are also designed to celebrate learning growth and provide feedback. Feedback is the springboard for further reflection and a way to approach future learning. It is through engaging with feedback that students are able to reflect on their application and approach to learning to ensure that they are working towards achieving the learning goals they have set for 2022. 


Subject Selection 

This Term, our Year 10 students commence the Stage 6 Subject Selection process. 


Throughout the term our Year 10 students will complete a series of activities which we hope will enable them to understand the important connection between subject selection, career choices and further study beyond school. 


One of the key aspects of your daughter’s success will be choosing the best pathway and courses that will ultimately set her up for success. We strongly encourage our Year 10 students and their parents/guardians to discuss subject preferences carefully. Our experience over many years suggests that parents/guardians and students who work together to achieve goals in schooling find the Higher School Certificate more manageable. Having clearly defined goals, which your daughter can measure, will allow her to take pride in accomplishing her targets. 


In Week 7 our Year 10 students will be engaged with a series of Subject Talks. These talks provide students with an opportunity to hear from our Heads of Department and senior students about the courses on offer at the College. We hope that these talks will assist students with making decisions about Stage 6 subjects. 


Accelerated Reader - Years 7, 8 and 9 


Throughout Term 2 our Year 7, 8 and 9 students will continue their engagement with the Accelerated Reader Program (AR). The AR Program identifies a student’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) which identifies a selection of books that are matched to their ability whilst also challenging them to develop their reading aptitude and extend their vocabulary. 


Using their ZPD and Reading Range, our students have been selecting books, actively reading and then upon completion have taken an AR quiz that assesses their understanding of what they have read. Your daughter’s English teacher will continue to guide and support participation in the AR program throughout the term. 


To complement the 10 minutes of reading occurring in Period 1 of each day at the College, it is imperative that students read regularly at home for a minimum of 20 minutes a day. We encourage you to explore the Accelerated Reader Bookfinder site to assist your daughter in engaging with her reading journey. 


HSC Masterclasses 

To assist our HSC students, Sydney Catholic Schools has developed a series of Masterclasses. These Masterclasses are available via Canvas and accessible to all students. Our Year 12 students are encouraged to engage with the relevant Masterclasses to assist their preparation for the Trial HSC. 




Ms Natasha Fox  

Director of Learning and Innovation