Faith, Mission & Identity

“The less we have, the more we give. Seems absurd, but it’s the logic of love.” 

—Mother Teresa

Brigidine College Winter Appeal: Supporting St. Vincent de Paul and Empowering Older Women Facing Homelessness


Winter is upon us, and as we gather in the warmth and comfort within our homes, it's important to remember those who are less fortunate. This month, we're shining a spotlight on an important cause: supporting the St. Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal and raising awareness about older women experiencing homelessness. 


The St. Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal has been a beacon of support for vulnerable individuals and families during the coldest months of the year. Their mission aligns perfectly with our values as a community, and we are thrilled to partner with them to extend our help to those who need it the most.


While homelessness affects people of all ages and backgrounds, older women experiencing homelessness face unique challenges. They often find themselves in difficult circumstances due to a variety of reasons, such as financial hardships, lack of affordable housing, family breakdowns, or health issues.


Our Regina Mundi House Captains will be speaking with Pastoral Care Classes this week to discuss the appeal and outline how families can show their support. Any donations are greatly appreciated and will be collected by the SRCs on Monday and Friday each week. Items for collection are listed in the images below. Each College House is responsible for different items for donation. 


Remember, even the smallest donation can have a significant impact on someone's life. Together, let's make this winter a season of compassion, warmth, and support.


Thank you for your continued support and generosity.

World Youth Day


It is with great pleasure I announce to you our World Youth Day Pilgrim Group. Led by our Pilgrim Group Leader, Mr Matt Tichelaar, these eight (8) students will embark on pilgrimage to Lisbon, Portugal, at the end of this term. 


This incredible spiritual opportunity will see the group travel through Italy to Portugal, experiencing the universality of the Catholic Church and sharing with the whole world the hope of many young people who are committing their lives to Christ. Our pilgrims will engage in opportunities to deepen their faith and grow closer to Christ, through prayer and the sacraments, together with hundreds of thousands of other young people who share their interests and ambitions.


Please keep these pilgrims in your prayers, and we look forward to hearing from them during their journey. 


Jersey Day


Save the Date! Next Friday, 16 June, is Jersey Day at the College. 


Annually, the community fundraises for our Brigidine Bursary, which supports the education of two students in our sister school, The Delany College, in Kenya. The Brigidine Bursary was founded in 2020 between the College, the Brigidine Sisters and the Patrician Brothers. 


We encourage staff and students to wear their favourite sports jerseys on the day. A gold coin donation is required for anyone participating in the day.


Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religion Education & Mission