
Sea Turtle Drawing or Painting Competition

Enter our Sea Turtle drawing or painting competition.

It’s easy, just draw or paint a sea turtle to remind us of how beautiful they are!

Give your entry to your teacher or Ms Patel by Friday 9 June.

Please make sure your name and class in on your entry!

World Sea Turtle Day is Friday 16 June.


Things you can do to help save the sea turtles:

  1. Just say NO to plastics! Sea turtles and other ocean life mistake plastic as food and ingest it.
  2. Reduce your carbon footprint! Climate change affects the health of coral reefs which are vital to the hawksbills survival.
  3. Choose responsibly caught seafood. Sea turtles are vulnerable to commercial fishing methods like trawling, longlines, and drift gill nets, becoming unwanted catch (also known as "bycatch") that is discarded like trash.
  4. Don’t buy souvenirs or other items made from critically endangered hawksbill shell.
  5. Leave No Trace. This means practicing good housekeeping when visiting a beach where turtles nest. Remove your rubbish, sand structures and holes can even be hazards for nesting turtles.

For more information about Sea Turtles go to:

Yogini Patel