Volunteering at School

We welcome and encourage volunteering at school, and many of our regular and stand alone activities could not happen without the valuable assistance of our school community.

Volunteering at EHPS requires you to have a current Working with Children Check and be aware of your obligations as defined in the related policies. These are linked below for your information. Each time you volunteer you must sign in and out on the Kiosk in Office reception.

The following information applies for all volunteers at EHPS:

Before you volunteer for the first time, we require you to present your Working with Children Check at our Office and sign the Child Safety Acknowledgement. With these in place you may offer to volunteer whenever the opportunity arises.


NEW! Digital Working with Children Check

There is now an alternative to carrying your Working with Children Check card to present. Download a digital Working with Children Check to your phone which can be forwarded to the school email for our register.