Prep 2024

Children born on or before 30 April 2019 are eligible for entry to Prep in 2024. Enrolment applications can be lodged now in accordance with the new Department of Education Foundation (Prep) enrolment process and timeline. Application for Foundation (Prep) enrolment must be lodged with the preferred school as soon as possible and not later than Thursday 27 July. 


Demand for placement at EHPS continues to be high, so if you live in the EHPS zone and/or you will have two or more children enrolled at EHPS in 2024, then you have priority for placement and we need to know these numbers as early as possible. It is our preference that you complete and lodge the enrolment form with supporting documents now (not the Application Form). Collect documentation from the School Office, and lodge your child's enrolment documents as soon as possible (and not later than 27 July). 


Family, friends or neighbours with a child who will be starting Prep next year, encouarge them to phone our School Office and book a tour. Enrolment documentation will be provided at the conclusion of the tour, and should be lodged as soon as possible if EHPS is their preferred school. 


We were pleased to engage with parents of children starting school next year in our online parent information session on Tuesday evening. We were able to provide information about readiness for school, what we offer at EHPS, the enrolment process, and finished with time for questions.