Junior School Council

JSC Incursion

On Monday 29 May, Junior School Councillors were involved in the Stride Leadership Program. 

Our speaker was Sophie. We learnt a lot about leadership and public speaking. 

The type of leadership we learnt about was M.A.D. - C.O.R.E. Leadership. This acronym means: 













We learnt that leadership is a way of thinking, acting, and communicating. It’s not just about wearing a badge as a leader. People have to know that we are leaders so it’s what we do and say that matters.

We learnt that in order for us to be leaders, we need approval by others who are following us. So we need to have respect of those who are following us. That means that our leadership style must be warm, open and inclusive. We must also be approachable and people want to talk to us about their issues. 


Some of the things that leaders do at our school:

  • Standing up for someone.
  • Being inclusive.
  • Doing a speech.
  • Bringing someone together if there has been a fallout.
  • Guiding and influencing people, not telling them.

As a leader we need to have these qualities:

  • be a good communicator
  • have  critical thinking skills and to know what to do when there is a problem. 
  • have empathy.

Our expectations of leaders are:

  • Being responsible
  • Being optimistic
  • Being helpful
  • Being confident
  • Being resilient

Some barriers and obstacles are:

  • Self conscious
  • Being arrogant
  • Bossy leaders
  • Lazy leaders
  • Bullies
  • Being shy

Some successful role models are:

  • Politicians
  • Teachers
  • Family and Friends
  • Mr. Perini

We also leant how to do public speaking. To be  good public speaker, we need to:

  • Have eye contact
  • Speak confidently 
  • Speak slowly and clearly
At the STRIDE incursion we learnt lots of things, such as M.A.D - C.O.R.E leadership.
We also learnt how being a leader isn't just about wearing a badge or bossing everybody around.  
Ian, Diya, Evelyn & Lucas - 6T JSC Representatives