Deputy News 

"The word community is, without question, central to human experience"

 Dear Parents and families, 


It has been another busy few weeks at Sacred Heart and in the heart of our school is our  community. 


Being part of an engaging community gives us  a sense of belonging. It enables us to share personal relatedness and support perpetual growth of each other, ourselves and the environment. 


The students have had the pleasure of being part of our broader community through Mass, Kinder visits to Nagle and visits to Mercy Fernhill across the road and our Little hearts playgroup. The kinder visits are an absolute highlight for our Year 4 students who interacted so beautifully with the kinder students at Nagle. They enjoyed outdoor play on the stilts , swings and slides and read books with the younger students and played with the imaginary play centres. It was so lovely that many siblings from Sacred Heart were at Nagle. Over the next few days the kinder children made connections with the Year 4 students before and after school. There are some pretty amazing connections being madeacroos our community.

There are so many positive aspects to being part of a group or community. Providing unique opportunities for people to learn from each other and give support and encouragement are an invaluable part of joining forces. 


Teachers teaching the teachers 

Our teachers have also done an exceptional job this week sharing their knowledge of our literacy program. The middle and senior teachers were the students in our professional learning this week . This  type of hands on learning is  paramount in  helping our teachers  understand how the junior literacy program works and in time the senior  and middle teachers will showcase their literacy lessons in Spelling Mastery and Morphology. 



Our annual Scholastic Book fair is on again this year. It will be held in the library from 13th-16th of June. 

It ties in beautifully with Grandparents day on the 16th June so Grandparents will also get an opportunity to buy books if they wish. The book Fair will be open every morning before school at 8:15am  and every afternoon from 3:15pm from the  13-16th of June. We are looking for parent volunteers to assist on the mornings and afternoons. Please contact me if you are able to assist. Watch the video for more information about Scholastic Book fairs. 




It was so special to have the P & F set up  a beautiful Mother's Day stall this week to ensure all our wonderful  mums  get a carefully chosen gift on Sunday morning. This is  a very exciting time for our students as they sneakily hid the presents from their mum. We must give a huge THANK YOU to Nat McCabe, Kristy Ackerman, Marielle Denton, Brooke Jamison, Louisa Gelsumini, Laura Connelly and Kathryn Sutherland  for their help purchasing, setting up and selling the goods on Wednesday.

It was absolutely amazing to see the amount of mother's and grandmothers that attended this mornings assembly. The junior students did a remarkable job in covering us in sunshine as they sang so beautifully. Thank you to all the mums and visitors for taking the time to visit our classrooms and see what amazing learning is going on. As a mum I know this is a such a treasured time and the years go so quickly and before you know it your  children are in secondary school like mine, towering over me. 

I wish  all mothers, grandmothers and carers a very special Mother's day on Sunday. Enjoy your special day as you totally deserve it.  May we think of the mothers  and grandmothers who are no longer with us and especially to the carers in our lives who take on the role as mothers. 


Wishing you all a truly  wonderful Mother's day and a relaxing weekend with your family, 


Brigid Pennington 

Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and 3-6 Literacy Leader