Captains News

Welcome to the latest edition of your Captain’s News.
Term 2 has started off very active with the interschool sports starting for the grade 5 and 6’s each Friday and Dendy Cross Country taking place last week for the grade 4s and 6s.
Interschool sports is a fun way to get out of school and have a good active time with your friends playing either football or netball. Last week we did very well against St Finbars in footy and netball winning all netball games and winning the footy game. Last Friday Sacred Heart competed in the Dendy Cross Country where we took part against the other schools in our area. The grade 6's had to run 3km and the grade 4s had to run 2km. This proved very challenging and everyone should be very proud of themselves for just giving it a go. Everyone enjoyed taking part and trying their best. Some students were lucky enough to qualify for the next round. These students include Benji Simpson, Milly Surkitt, Eden Molony, Bonnie Lagan and Lulu Milliken. Good job to these students.
Confirmation is a special time in a student's catholic journey where they are sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Grade 6 will be completing their sacrament of Confirmation on the 25th May. In preparation for this we have been researching a specific saint that inspires us and about how the gifts of the holy spirit shone through their lives. The 7 gifts of the holy spirit are Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fear of the Lord, Fortitude, Piety, and Knowledge. On Thursday we had our Confirmation Retreat day. We took a trip into the city to see St Patrick’s Cathedral where we completed a treasure hunt and had to answer questions about the cathedral and the Catholic faith's history. Some students had the opportunity to be able to participate in Confession at the Cathedral. Afterwards we received a letter from our parents about the gifts of the holy spirit we represent. It was such a lovely experience receiving these letters, thank you mums and dads for taking the time to write them.
Last week the Year 5s had their camp at Rumbug. Well done for making it through the cold week and steep hills! We hear they had an incredible time raft building, participating in archery, low ropes and the giant swing (we are very jealous that they got to do the giant swing.)
Mothers day is fast approaching this weekend, thank you to the PNF for organizing the mothers day stall earlier in the week, allowing students the opportunity to buy something special. We hope that the Mothers who attended the special Mothers day assembly felt very loved and special.
To the weekend and beyond.
Your school captains,
Benji, Harrison, Milly and Luisa.