Project Ready

Painting a picture

“The Patch” - our designated agriculture and horticulture area for students to get hands-on experience in the garden – has just had a boost of colour and vibrancy thanks to a mural currently being painted in the space.


The mural is being painted and designed by our Project Ready students who have been learning about regenerative agriculture and designed the piece inspired by local agriculture practices. They have been supported by local artist and painter, Joan Erikson, and Art Domain Leader Alison Sealie,  who assisted in bringing the students’ ideas into reality in the way of one large 15m x 2m long mural. The Project Ready students are well underway with their painting and are doing a fantastic job.

About The Patch

The Patch is located behind our Bayuna neighbourhood and contains raised beds and wicking beds, where students make choices about seeds to plant at certain times of the year, crop care and watering, harvesting and marketing. The garden beds are also used for trials for students at VCE level.


The presence of chooks demonstrates a part of a good backyard garden, where the animals can be used to assist with garden pest management and supply eggs. They also provide an opportunity for students to learn about the responsibility and commitment of looking after animals.


The Patch is developing every day, with twenty fruit and nut trees now planted, along with grape vines. The compost bins and worm farm will also be operating very soon.

About Project Ready

Project Ready is a hands-on life and work readiness program designed to help students get ready for their future world of work. It provides assistance to students in choosing a career path, building self-confidence and gaining skills to successfully transition into the workforce or further training. This is a full-year VET program that includes a Certificate II in Active Volunteering.