Year 3 & 4 Science Incursion

In the science incursion, we looked at different types of rocks that came from volcanos or rivers, or nature. I even found a rock that was little but it was very light because it had air holes. I think it came from a volcano also, the science teacher Heather brought this massive rock that came from a volcano, it was so light it was unbelievable! Unfortunately, there were no gems like gold or emeralds but we did this experiment where we slowly squeezed water out of a tiny tube onto a M&M . The M&M was dissolved by the water. It changed the colour of the water, it was amazing!


 Mauricio S - 4G


Yesterday we had an incursion all about weathering rocks. Heather showed us lots of different rocks and one had fossils in it. We saw real obsidian, it was very smooth and shiny. Another one was a rock that adapted from a volcano and even though it was really big it was very light because of all the tiny air holes. Some rocks were very easy to find and some were very hard to find. 


Evie B - 4G




In our science incursion we learnt about earth and how rocks weather. There were a few rocks on each of our tables and we got to look at them and learn about them. There was one big rock from a volcano and we go to hold it, it was pretty light. We did two science experiments, one we had a plate with an M&M  and we had to either squirt water really fast like in a rainforest or slow like in a desert. I did both and guess what happened? The colour faded.


Juliet V- 4G


During our incursion we got to see a lot of cool things like obsidian and magma we also looked at weathering and erosion. Weathering is when rocks are outside for a long period of time. It makes The rock damaged and it makes the rock crumble.

Erosion is when two rocks rub together and it Makes it break off and float away.

We also looked at a lot of different types of rocks, like granite and diorite. We got to hold a massive rock too. At the end, we got to do a M&M activity, where we put the M&M in water and saw how over time the  M&M lost its colour and the chocolate looked very different.


Noah B- 4G