Wellbeing Matters 

Over the last week students have been involved in numerous activities for Do It for Dolly Day. 

Bullying is never ok at any age. It’s not the same as an argument between friends or simply disliking someone. Bullying is repetitive and intentional and uses words or actions to cause distress or harm to someone’s wellbeing. 

Let’s face it, we are never going to like everyone, but it is important to remind ourselves to be respectful and kind. 

Bullying can happen anywhere: school, work and online through social media platforms and text messages. 

It's important to remember that you have a choice in how you respond to bullying. 

You can walk away, ask them to stop or talk to someone about it. 

It is more than ok to ask for help. It is not weak to speak. You shouldn't have to deal with bullying alone. Talk to a parent, guardian, teacher or someone you trust if you're experiencing bullying and don't know how to cope.

Parents can find it hard to know what to say but my advice is simply be there. Check in with your kids daily, ask them if they are ok? It’s ok if you don’t know what to say.

If your child indicates that they may be struggling, you may like to engage with your GP. You can also seek support from the Parent Line on 1300 1300 52. 

Alternatively, you can access the services below by phone or online. Please seek support if needed. 


NSW Mental Health Access Line

1800 011 511

Access line is available to anyone living in the Murrumbidgee Local Health District region. It is staffed by mental health professionals and open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

The service can provide advice and assistance to:

  • People experiencing issues with their own mental health or drug and/or alcohol use.
  • Carers and people supporting loved ones with mental health and/or drug or alcohol issues.
  • People who are worried about the mental health of someone they know.
  • Health Professionals (including GPs, service providers and emergency services workers).


Free relaxation apps:

Headspace – mindfulness/meditation

Smiling Mind – mindfulness/meditation

My Calm Beat – slow breathing training


If unsure where to go for help, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher or year advisor. Students can also self-refer to the Student Support Officer. Together we can find the help and assistance you need.

We are here to help.


Alternatively, you can access the services below by phone or online. 

Use this link for further information.

wrist band QR code.pdf










Further help online or on the phone:


Free programs available online suitable for children and adolescents (and parents)

Bite Back: an online program for well-being and resilience 13-16 years.

Brave program: an online program for anxiety for children and adolescents as well as parents visit https://brave4you.psy.uq.edu.au/


Taryn Riles - Student Support Officer