Principal's Address

Do it for Dolly Day

Do It for Dolly Day is dedicated to bringing the community together, spreading kindness and uniting to help break the silence around bullying.

Every year in May, thousands of communities come together to remember Dolly and participate in fundraising activities to help support important anti-bullying work to share Dolly's Dream.


This week, the Boorowa Central School Student Representative Council (SRC) asked students, staff, and community members to help support Dolly's Dream by being kind and encouraging them to speak up, even when your voice shakes. Additionally, they provided opportunities for students and staff to participate in various activities such as: 


  • Introduction to 'Do it for Dolly Day' at secondary assembly and in Primary classes 
  • Playing 'Speak up' on the sound system
  • Selling blue cupcakes (Dolly's favourite colour).
  • Paint a branch blue at lunchtime.
  • Hang blue butterflies with words of kindness on the branch at lunchtime.
  • Wearing blue accessories, blue ribbons and blue jelly available at recess
  • Kindness words on the hall wall in chalk.
  • Blue cookies on sale at lunchtime and
  • A K-Year 6 dance with blue streamers this morning before school


All week, the mixture of activities has brought an even calmer and kinder feeling to our school that I hope will continue for many more weeks to come.


A big shout out to Ms Mahoney for assisting to drive this initiative with the SRC and to Ms Maley and Ms Waters for helping prepare the activities.


Well done to all the students who showed kindness every day. In a world where you can choose to be anything, choose kind.



Compass Parent Portal 

The Compass Parent portal was launched last week for parents of Year 12 students. These parents had access to Compass to book an interview with their child’s teacher for the Year 12 Parent/Teacher evening on Tuesday night. The portal also provided access to their child’s Semester 1 report.

This term, the parent portal will continue to be rolled out to the rest of our school community with the view of allowing the following functions for parents:

  • Monitor their child's attendance and enter in explanations for late arrivals or absences.
  • Communicate with their child's teachers and update their family contact details.
  • Monitor homework and assessment tasks (secondary)
  • Download and view their child's progress and semester reports.
  • View 'My News', a news feed of school announcements, alerts and updates.
  • View their child's timetable and the school calendar.
  • Book parent/teacher interviews.
  • Pay and provide consent for events, excursions and school fees*
  • Make Canteen orders*
  • Order Photos*


Note: Functions denoted with a * will be introduced incrementally over time once the systems have been developed to support them.



With the introduction of the Compass Parent Portal, the information shared on the school Facebook page ‘Boorowa Central School NSW DEC’ will return to it’s pre-COVID focus of:

  • Promoting Learning
  • Celebrating achievement

This will be an opportunty for the school, and wider community, to see the wonderful things that happen at Boorowa Central School everyday and have the opportunity to congratulate the students and staff invovled.

I encourage our families to engage with our school’s Facebook page in this positve manner. 

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about any Boorowa Central School related issue, please contact the school. I am more than happy to discuss these with you so that we can work together for the benefit of all students.

‘Our student-centred approach to education achieves individual excellence for all, developing caring and community-minded students who have the skills to succeed in a changing world’.


Enjoy your weekend.


Mr Graham Jones - Principal