
Founder’s Day 2023
Friday 9 June marks the annual celebration of Founder’s Day. We would like to advise parents/carers of the following:
- Compulsory attendance by all boys in full Winter College uniform is expected. Parents/carers should contact their son’s Year Coordinator days in advance to discuss any potential issue with their son’s attendance. Boys who are absent on the day will be required to obtain a medical certificate and upload it to the Parent Lounge in TASS or present it to their homeroom teacher on their first day back.
- Boys are required to attend school at the normal time, and they will be dismissed at approximately 2:00 PM. Younger boys will be escorted down to Strathfield station by members of the College’s Student Leadership Team. There will be two locations for Kiss and Ride on the day to assist with collection of students after dismissal.
- Boys will be expected to be in attendance for the Founder’s Day Mass, Concert and Waterford Mile.
- Canteen facilities will be CLOSED on this day; students will receive lunch plus additional snack items provided by the College.
- Boys will not be required to bring bags/belongings to school on this day. However, students may bring a small bag with small food items and competitors in the annual Waterford Mile who can store any clothes in their lockers.
If there are any concerns about dietary requirements, please contact either Mr Sinadinos on alexandros.sinadinos@spc.nsw.edu.au or Mrs Viney on ingrid.viney@spc.nsw.edu.au.
Survey Feedback – Term 1, 2023
Last term, Relationships, Safety and Bullying Surveys were sent to students across the College. This year, close to 1,000 students across Years 5 to 12 participated in the survey. In addition, Pulse Surveys were issued to students with a tailored focus on online safety.
Some highlights included:
- Over 80% of students responded agree or strongly agree to feeling respected by their teachers.
- Over 75% of students responded agree or strongly agree to having positive relationships with their teachers.
- 85% of students responded agree or strongly agree to having learned a lot about online safety.
- Over 75% of students felt that conversations about trust, respect and consent happen at the College always or often.
- 90% of students stated that they always or often consider the possible legal and social consequences of what they say and do online.
Areas for future discussion:
- Online safety “How To” guide easily accessible at all times for students.
- Increasing parent/carer engagement with eSafety Commissioner, Online Safety Experts.
- Looking to continue to increase student agency at the College and further provide opportunities for students to prove input to wellbeing initiatives during PCP time and via the Year Group Ambassadors.
It is obvious that here at the College we are continuing to work with our young men to find positive, proactive and strengths-based strategies to ensure students are first and foremost safe. Subsequently, we continue to work with them to ensure they are equipped to face some of the digital realities of the 21st century world.
Travelling to and from the College
A gentle reminder to please reiterate the expectations travelling to and from the College. It is imperative that students are:
- keeping to one side of the walkway when at train stations
- being respectful and making way for members of the public
- being patient when exiting train station barricades and ensuring this is done in a proper manner and
- being mindful of volume levels when listening to music via earphones.
I have reminded students around appropriate etiquette and behaviour. They are representing the College at all times and should always continue to display the high standard we are recognised for in the community. I appreciate your support with this.
Alexandros Sinadinos
Acting Director of Wellbeing