Faith, Justice and Formation

Last Friday 12 May, we once again gathered at Rosehill Gardens to celebrate the life-giving force that our mothers are for all of us, but particularly that strongest of all bonds, the relationship between mother and son. Celebrating motherhood within the celebration of the Eucharist reminds us that the unconditional love our mothers have for us is a blessing that resembles the unfathomable love of our creator God for us all.
Our mothers not only care for us from the day we are born; they shape our lives in profound ways as living embodiments of love: patience, kindness, compassion, and generosity. They teach us to be resilient in the face of adversity. Through their own actions, they show us what it means to show love to others, and they inspire us to live our lives with purpose and meaning.
Our celebration of the Eucharist showcased how the EREA Touchstones can be applied to the role of mothers. Our College Orchestra and Choir brought great beauty to our gathering with their leadership in the music for the Mass, and Fr Jack, as always, gave heart to our time together through his words. During our Mass we also reflected on the many ways in which our mothers have shaped our lives.
Whether we are fortunate to have them still with us, or if they have gone before us in faith, we go forth into the world inspired to honour them by living our own lives with the same selflessness, kindness, and compassion that they have shown to us.
Adam Leslie
Acting Director of Identity