Acting Principal

Mother’s Day
My first day as Acting Principal was a blessing as I was able to attend two special events. The first being the Mother’s Day Mass which was celebrated by Fr Jack Evans. Two thousand mothers, grandmothers and students attended mass. The sun was shining and with a steady stream of attendees rolling in from 8:00 AM, the scenes of traffic jams from the year before were all forgotten. This is a very special event on the College calendar. A time where our students can acknowledge that significant female role model in their lives. Fr Jack talked about that special bond, which is always there between a mother and son. It is unbreakable. It may fracture from time to time, especially if you have a son in Year 9 or 10. However, by Year 11 your sons turn into young men and really start to see what a vital role that mothers play in their lives.
After Mass it was great to see so many mothers stay for morning tea. With a plethora of space to spread out, there were new friendships formed and old friendships further cemented. I thank all the staff involved who helped run the event. Without the care and dedication of the College staff events like this could not run.
After Mass I attended the Year 12 Mothers’ Day lunch at Strathfield Golf Club. It was a little daunting walking into a room of fifty-five mothers and being the only male. However, the warmth in the room quickly had me at ease and it was great to hear about the journeys that Year 12 mums have been on as some finish up with their son leaving the College this year, and others who have a son finishing this year but more sons to come through in years to come. A special thank you to Mrs Natalie Wahbe and her team for their great organisation.
In that spirit, I wish to thank all those parents/carers who volunteer at the College as we celebrate National Volunteers Week.
Changes to NAPLAN Results
NESA has informed schools that from this year they are changing the way they report NAPLAN results. Numerical bands will be replaced with: Exceeding, Strong, Developing and Needs Additional Support. Schools will receive school-based results towards the end of this term. It is expected that NESA will send reports that we make available to parents and carers in early Term 3.
In Memoriam
We extend our condolences to and keep in our prayers:
- Justin Ryan (Year 11) and Old Boy Damian Ryan (’22) for the recent loss of their grandmother, Mrs Therese Vivash.
- Thomas BouAntoun (Year 11) and Old Boy Joseph BouAntoun (’22) for the loss of their grandfather, Mr Thomas Rahme.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. |
Adrian Byrne
Acting Principal