Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families,

Welcome to our last newsletter for Term 2. We are at the end of our learning goal cycle and we have now finished Achievement Week where students reflect on their learning goals and celebrate their learning growth this term. Our students should be proud of what they have achieved already this year which I am sure will be reflected in their Semester Report which will be accessible to families on Compass from Tuesday, 20th of June.



Student Learning Conferences

Parents can now book interview times with their child's teacher through Compass. Because this term has been shorter than usual, Parent Teacher Interviews will be held in the first week of next term, on Tuesday the 11th and Wednesday the 12th of June. It is expected that students will be at the interview with their parents so that they can discuss their new learning goals and celebrate their achievements.


New Public Playground

After many months of negotiations, we have agreed to end our joint use agreement with the Brimbank City Council for the park next door to our school (outside the big gates). This land is owned by our school and will be returned to us and no longer available to the public. To ensure our community still has access to high-quality equipment, BCC will construct a new playground next to the football oval pavilion behind our school. This will be accessible to the public at all times and no longer on school land. The new park is expected to be open in July at which point new fencing and signage will go up around our school land. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our front office.


School Holiday Care Program

We are proud to offer families access to School Holiday Program onsite for the upcoming school holidays. Students can be booked in for 1 day or many. It is only accessible to students from Albanvale Primary School and eligible families can access generous childcare subsidies.  More information, including how to book can be accessed through the article in this newsletter.



For those of you that were with us last year, you may recall a survey we conducted around our communities beliefs around homework. Overwhelmingly, the feedback was in favor of the school providing age-appropriate homework,  focusing on core learning areas in literacy, numeracy, and ICT. In response, we have strengthened our take-home reading program with new literature, systematic signing of student diaries, and launching the Take Home Reading Nights Challenge. Furthermore, numeracy homework is set for every student across the school on Mathletics giving them an opportunity to practice concepts they have already learned at school while leveraging digital technologies. Of course, offline tasks are available to students who do not have access to the internet at home. Our School Improvement Team is now also looking into effective home-learning tasks to support students' spelling. At the end of this year, we will again seek feedback on our school's homework policy as we continue to refine our approach to meet our student's needs. Parents play a crucial role in ensuring students priortise the time to complete home learning tasks and build them into their ongoing daily routine. 


If you have any questions about your child's home learning or would like to provide feedback, please see your child's teacher.


School Holidays

Students and staff will break for the school holidays on Friday 23rd of June at 2:30pm. School will resume Monday 10th July at 9:00am. Parents requiring outside school hours care for the earlier finish or during school holidays are requested to contact Our Patch on 1300 018 310.


Prep Enrolment 2024

Our school community continues to grow with enough enrolments for 2 prep classes in 2024 already confirmed. We are continuing to accept pre-enrolments for students in and out of our zone before we confirm student enrolments early next term. If you have a child that is school-age in 2024 or knows of someone who does, we highly encourage you to submit your pre-enrolment now to confirm their place. Pre-enrolments can be submitted through our school website or by calling 9367 2197.


On behalf of all the staff at Albanvale Primary School, i'd like to thank you for your ongoing commitment to helping our community to thrive. We wish you and your family a safe winter break and look forward to welcoming our students back for Term 3.