We have been very busy at OSHC with Autumn craft, playing lots of games and celebrating Mother's Day/Special Person's Day. 


To our parents/guardians, as you would be aware, unfortunately there is a lot of illness going around the school. If your child/children are unwell, please ensure you don't send them to OSHC.

Additionally, sometimes we have to say no to booking requests due to capacity limits, staffing and so on. If your booking has not been accepted, this means we are unable to have your child/children.


Thank you

Judy, Georgia & OSHC Team  

0419 511 018



Updates to Parent Payment Cylces in My Xplor and Changes to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

Please refer to the attached letter for details regarding these changes.


Any queries please contact Ricarda Lillis or Judy Miles on 9876 3411.