Principal's Report 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Firstly, my apologies for the lateness in getting this newsletter out. I hope all the mothers, aunties, grandmas and the special carers in our students’ lives had a special day on Sunday for Mothers’ Day. You all deserved to be spoilt by those you care for. Your role is critical for these young people. The Mothers’ Day stall was a hit, as always, and could not be possible if we did not have the dedicated team of parents (mostly female) who helped set-up the stall and sell the precious gifts over a day and a half. Thank you to these ladies for supporting this fundraising event and making it special for the children. We hope you enjoy what your child has chosen as well as special cards or letters they may have made at school. We also hope that the Prep Mums, Aunties, Special Carers who were able to join them for their Morning Tea on Friday enjoyed themselves. 


Student Reports: When reports are sent home at the start of Term 3, some children will have a report that is customised for children who speak English as an Additional Language. These learners are referred to as EAL. Learning English on top of a home language they may know due to being born in another country or because it is the main language spoken at home supports and enhances children’s language development. It’s important to remember children learning English as a second language means they already ‘know’ a language – their first language; they know how to communicate and how to use language for social purposes. They know about learning a language and, depending on age and experience, may be able to read and write in their first language. Students can remain on an EAL Report for a up to 7 years, depending on a number of factors. There is no rush to move off an EAL report or no disadvantage to having an EAL Report instead of an English one. If you have any questions or concerns about whether you child should or shouldn’t be on an EAL report please contact your child’s teacher or speak to them at the upcoming Parent/Teacher Interviews.


Student Personal Property: The Department (which includes our school) does not have accident insurance. Items of personal property that are lost, stolen or damaged at school is not the responsibility of Melton West Primary School or the Department. Staff and students are reminded not to bring items of value to school.


Salvation Army Bin: Please talk to your children about the dangers of climbing into the large bins that are used for people to put unwanted clothing in. A few of our students were seen to climb in and out of the one near the milk bar. It is very dangerous, and we want to ensure the children are safe as they travel to and from school. 



High Levels of Learning for All

Michelle Costa
