Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,
It has been a busy couple of weeks as teachers are working on reports ensuring they can provide you with information about your child’s progress this semester. Students have demonstrated growth in their learning and should be congratulated on their efforts this semester. Reports will be sent home on Thursday, 22nd June.
Last week, eight of our students competed in the Zone Cross Country finals at Bundoora Park. All students participated well, and we congratulate Matthew, Isaac, Paul, Bronson, Joseph, Hari, Christian, and Olivia for their efforts in this competition. Special congratulations on their individual performance to Olivia V who placed 8th and will now compete in the Regional Cross Country competition next week.
Congratulations to all our students who received the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time on Saturday, 27th May. It was a very special occasion for the students and their families and l thank Jackie, Chloe and Mary for supporting our students in their preparation for this important faith milestone. Thank you also to Pauline for organising a beautiful mass to celebrate this important event. Thank you also to Fr Manny for his ongoing support of our students in their preparation and at this mass and special event.
Child Safety
At St Joseph the Worker Primary School, we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our school. We expect that school employees, volunteers and community members to proactively ensure the safety and wellbeing of students at all times.
Staff have recently completed training in Emergency Management and a practise drill to ensure staff and students are confident in knowing how to follow these procedures. The school has also had two lock downs recently due to a foul odour in the air. Most Importantly, staff and students followed our procedures, and everyone was safe.
Occupational Health and Safety
New heaters have been installed in the hall. This is part of our occupational health and safety requirements of providing adequate facilities for the welfare of all employees and students.
The long running saga of our not built for purpose basketball courts and running track appears to be moving towards resolution. All parties have agreed to an independent review and report into the building of our basketball and running track. FMG Engineering have been assigned the task of completing this report and in recent weeks have completed drilling on the site and surveyed the area in preparation for determining responsibility for this area not being fit for purpose. This has been a very lengthy process for our school community.
MLA Camp
Our MLA team are busy finalising preparations for their camp on the first two days of Term 3. The staff and students will be attending Log Cabin Camp in Creswick and l am sure it will be a very rewarding experience for staff and students.
Casual Clothes Day
On the last Friday of this term, students can wear casual clothes to school. We ask students to donate a gold coin on this day to support Vivian in her education in Tanzania. St Joseph the Worker has a proud history of supporting students at the school of St Jude so that they can attend school and gain an education. Further information about the wonderful work of the School of St Jude can be found at
Every Day Counts
Some students are missing many days of school and this is impacting on their learning. We know students have been unwell due to COVID and influenza however, there still seems to be a number of students regularly missing school.
If your child must miss school, please contact the school before 8.45am. If you are having attendance issues with your child, please let your classroom teacher know so we can work together to get your child to school every day.
Please note we also have students regularly being picked up early each day. We request that parents organize appointments outside of school hours so that they can attend for the full day.
School Closure Day
Please remember that Monday 12th June is the King’s birthday public holiday and school will be closed on Tuesday, 13th June and Wednesday 14th June. Staff will be working together in preparation for our school review in Term 3.
There will be no school for students on these days. Theircare will be operating both days if families require support with supervision of their children.
School Fees
Thank you for ensuring that your account is up to date. It is a requirement that all families pay their school fees on time so that the school can meet its financial commitments.
Contact Details and Medical Information
Please ensure that the school has up to date contact and medical information. Contact the office immediately if there are any changes that would affect the medical management of your child.
A reminder that all medication needs to be sent to the office with an authority completed for us to administer the required dosage (A medication authority form is available at the office. Please note these forms are not required for students with asthma or anaphylaxis)
Wishing everyone a happy long weekend
We ask St Joseph the Worker to continue to bless and keep safe, our wonderful Parish and School Community.
Maria Barnes