News from our School Council President

Dear families,
We’re almost half way through 2023 and I’m writing to give another update from School Council.
I have heard many positive experiences from the community indicating that there is widespread enjoyment of the new Compass canteen. I would like to acknowledge Council members who championed this initiative and welcome community feedback.
Council would like to thank families for their support of the 2023 Colour Run, which raised a significant $20,000 for the school. The School Council is committed to raising $50,000 by hosting community events. Money raised through these events will be allocated towards the resourcing of various learning programs, such as the Science lab and intervention offerings. The children again reported having a fabulous time being physically active, and this year enjoyed additional activities including running through inflatable chutes and the popular disco and tabloid sports. Council is grateful for all the parent support received throughout this activity, including the implementation of clever ways to fundraise including food stalls, and selling home made crafts.
Council would like acknowledge the wonderful CHPS teacher and leadership contributions to making the day successful, including the disco and tabloid sport activities. Over 80 children have donated their prizes to our community partner Djirra, with many other families choosing to donate to the Daniel Morcombe Foundation rather than selecting prizes.
The Council has many other community connections and fundraising events on the calendar for the remainder of 2023, including the return of the popular Comedy Night, the Trivia Night and of course the CHPS Fair. These events offer opportunities to connect with other families at the school and we hope that you will be able to enjoy one or more of these. Council will be calling out for volunteers for the fair in term three and are grateful for the parent volunteers who make this event possible.
Council are again managing a reduced number of school fee contributions received in 2023. As many parents would be aware, CHPS ask for parents to contribute towards curriculum items each year, which covers essential learning items, including pens, pencils, books, paints, consumables etc. and non-curriculum items such as excursions, nurse fund, building fund, school assistance fund etc.
We have traditionally received school fee contributions from nearly 100% of families each year, which has allowed us to deliver a rich offering of resources and programs. Currently, we have only received ~60% of school contributions for 2023, equating to a ~$110,000 reduction in our cash budget that we can allocate to the exceptional range of activities that our public school has historically been able to offer and fund. This leaves Council in the difficult position of having to determine how we will manage the budget to ensure the depth and diversity of our educational offerings.
Please could I ask you to check whether you have paid the school contribution for 2023, and if you are in a position to do so, could you make your contribution as soon as possible? Any contribution, even if not the full amount, will help us to maintain as many of the fantastic offerings as possible. Details of parent contributions for each year level can be found HERE.
The School Council will be running an information session on the educational offerings to CHPS families prior to the end of term in the multipurpose room. Please keep an eye out for further details in relation to this event.
I look forward to seeing you at CHPS or at a school event in the near future. You can contact the School Council by emailing
Bryony Nayagam
School Council President