Year 3 Swimming Lessons

Swimming Lessons
On the first day of May 3DC was going to swimming lessons. I’m in a class with Bo, Claire, Harriet, Freddy, Tom, Hunter and Ned and we are level four and a half, I guess but we are also the highest level in 3DC! In Collingwood Leisure Centre pool I see other kids under the deep water trying to touch the bottom. They do then they get pulled back up by the heavy water. I hear my teacher trying to talk over the MANY other kids chatting and splashing in the pool. I feel my hands soaking wet, same as my whole body. I also feel a whole pool of the wet water. I feel warm instead of hot inside the pool.
by Zeally, 3DC
Swimming Lessons
When I first did swimming I was a bit scared and nervous. My teacher is Rose, she is very nice. We go in the deep end and we get to play so much games. It’s sooooooo much fun that I don’t want to get out of the pool.
The pool smells like chlorine. It is as loud as thunder. The pool water tastes sooo weird. I sometimes accidentally drink some of the water.
There is a cool water fountain that squirts out water and it is so much fun when you go under the water fountain. I’m in level 2 and in my class is Lucas, Leo, Hanan and Yo.
By Chloe D, 3DC
School swimming lessons
I walk through the door and the huge room is warm, very warm. We take off our clothes (but we have our bathers underneath). I quickly spot the instructors getting into the pool. Everyone had to line up in role order because we were being assessed. They said I was in level 4. My teacher was Xander and my class was Zeally, Bo, Claire, Hunter, Freddie, Tom and Ned but my one favorite thing was I liked calling my teacher dude.
By Harriet, 3DC