Mandarin: How to make a shuttlecock

Jiàn zi (shuttlecock) 毽子
The shuttlecock, or jianzi, dates back hundreds of years to China, as well as other Asian countries. Although used in badminton, it is traditionally a game where players aim to keep it in the air without using their hands - and lots of fun too, as the recently formed Chinese Club found out on Wednesday!
If you want to learn how to make one, you can use the instructions below from the website Felt Magnet or simply go to the website yourself here. Have fun!
Craft feathers, chicken or bird feathers
Chinese coin
Cardboard, plastic sheet from an old folder, or thick paper
Strong bonding glue
1. Draw about 20 circles on the cardboard and plastic sheet. The circles should be a little bigger than the Chinese coin.
2. Cut out the circles to round discs.
3. Stack the discs together to check the thickness. You'll need to have a stack of round discs about 1cm thick. Cut more circles if required.
4. Set aside the first disc. Punch a hole in the middle of all the cardboard and plastic circles.
5. Stack the discs on top of each other, with the first disc at the bottom of the stack.
6. Put the Chinese coin in between the discs.
7. Apply glue in between all the layers as you stack up the discs. Continue stacking until the stack is about 1cm thick.
8. Tie a few feathers together with sticky tape.
9. Put some glue in the middle of the round stack and insert the feathers into the hole. Apply more glue if necessary.
10. Allow the glue to dry and check that all the parts are securely attached together before playing with the shuttlecock.
Anna, Year 6 Mandarin Captain