Grade 5 Art Excursion to THE LUME

Grade 5 Art excursion to The Lume
Have you ever dreamed of wandering through Monet’s glorious gardens in France?
On a crisp, sunny morning in early May, all the grade 5 classes went on an art excursion to see Monet and Friends at The Lume.
The exhibition opened with an interactive display of Monet’s garden. It had a real wooden bridge over a pond with lily pads, swaying trees, blue reflections in the pond water and a background of colourful flowers.
There was a main room which had beautiful projections of Monet and Friend’s artwork. The paintings were projected onto the walls, floor and there were even sounds! Inside the main room there was a dome where paintings were also displayed.
An art room with easels and a screen to mimic two of Monet’s most famous paintings stood to the side. A balcony with a cool view of the art projections towered over the main room.
“My favourite part was the main gallery where music, intricate paintings and light were combined into one room. I looked around in awe as inspirational quotes flashed on the surface of giant screens and colours swarmed beneath my feet”.
Mackenzie 5JK
“My favourite part was the mirror room. It was cool with all the fake flowers in different colours that looked real! It also got a bit confusing about which was the way to get out!”
Olivia 5JK
“My favourite part was the art room because I thought getting to draw our own ‘mini Monet’ was very fun. I think everyone’s artwork came out really well, all with a unique touch.”
Aurelia 5JK