
Principal News Flash 

Stephanie Di Salvo, Dan Moloney & Eva Primarolo


Hi everyone!


We have already passed the half-way point in Term 2.

It has been a super busy time thus far. Key news flash items include the following:


Term 2 SSGs

This week, our Term 2 SSGs will conclude. We hope that you have enjoyed positive collaborations with your child's teacher discussing key aspects of their learning related to their current IEP goals. We will be sending home a Parent/Carer Feedback Survey seeking community input regarding our SSG process aiming for ongoing improvements year to year. A hard copy of this survey will be sent home in your child's communication book on Monday, 5th June. Please return completed copies in your child's diary for Dan to collect and collate all data.


2023 Student Attitudes to School Survey

Our students in Rooms 10-27 are currently in the process of completing their '2023 Attitudes to School Survey' with their classroom teams. This department survey allows us to better understand our student's insights related to our school, the relationships they have forged with their staff and peers and even identifying some of the challenges. 


We have opted for many of our students to complete the shorter version with reduced language and 3-point scale questions. We have also developed further modified visual prompts to facilitate familiar visual prompts that our students use day-to-day, like so:

Hume-Merri-bek Specialist School Respectful Relationships Cluster Meeting

On Thursday June 1st, we were pleased to invite the curriculum leaders and principals from specialists schools in our local network including Hume Valley School, Sunbury Macedon Ranges School, Coburg SDS, Wayi School, Broadmeadows SDS and Glenroy SDS. In our termly meeting, we discussed key topics related to the 'Respectful Relationships' Curriculum. In this meeting, we will be discussing the challenges for students and sharing input related to our 'Cyber Safety' practices throughout each setting. Sara Parsons, as our representative curriculum leader, will be part of this collaboration from herein, building on our existing JSA practices within these important collaborations each term.


Semester 1 Reports

Our teachers are working very hard to finalise assessments and the report drafting process for this semester. All reports will be made available to families on Friday, 23rd June, 2023.