Sydney Writers' Festival 

Year 5 and 6 Book Club students and S. Cummings 

Author - Cristy Burne


Cristy Burne is an amazing writer, she also loves science and has worked in many jobs. She has worked at CERN which is home to the Large Hadron Collider where scientists smash atoms to create energy. Cristy has performed in a science circus, been Santa’s pixie, a magazine editor and explored sewerage in her neighbourhood. She also has slept alone on the Great Wall of China and paddled for five days down the Whanganui River with her family. 


In my opinion, one of the books she wrote, "Beneath the Trees" is captivating. I am currently reading this at Book Club each Tuesday. My favourite chapter was when she mentioned the leeches. She said it was real and that it happened to her before. When I heard the word ‘leeches,' I almost burst out laughing. The situation wasn't funny but I found myself smiling.


As the first author to speak at the excursion, Cristy Burne was amazing. We did some science experiments with her in the first session. Cristy shot out some marshmallows and blew up some things, which was why her session was called ‘Explosive Storytelling!’ 


The Book Club students and two teachers had to meet at Fairfield Station at 7:00am. We travelled by train to Town Hall and walked to our very close destination. We were able to buy books and each author was there to sign their book. The day was fantastic and everyone enjoyed the excursion!


Thanh - Year 5











Author - Maryam Master



"No Words" was inspired by a true story written by Maryam Master about her life in Iran as a refugee at the age of 9. Aria, the main character's best friend, is an average 12 year old boy who never speaks. He fled from Iran because of the Iranian Revolution. Ever since his first day, Doofus the Rufus has been bullying him. Hero, the main character and her best friend, Jaz felt compelled to help Aria. Aria is trying to establish a new life in Australia, grapple with his past, and most importantly find his voice cos, boy, does he have a story to tell.  


This book so far has been very interesting as we haven't read any books about refugees. In my opinion, Maryam Master was very creative with this book by making it about her own personal experiences. This book has made us feel better since we know someone who had a worse life than us. If you feel bad, read this book. We definitely recommend it for primary aged students.


On the day of the excursion, listening to Maryam made us feel empathetic for her since her life has been one of the most devastating stories we have heard. 


Maple - Year 5 & Albert - Year 6 


Authors - Jordan Gould & Richard Pritchard


The book, "Wylah - the Koorie Warrior" (Guardians) is a book telling the story of a young Aboriginal heroine from about 40, 000 years ago who lived on the lands of the Peek Whurrong in south-west Australia. Wylah’s grandmother is the Koorie Warrior; but after a dragon attack on Wylah’s tribe, she unfortunately passes away, leaving Wylah to assemble all five guardians to save her people. Accompanied by a young boy named Po, one of her koalas, her dog Woo and Wylah’s tribe guardian Pippy, the three set out to find the other four guardians. The book is also told from the perspective of a young girl captured by the dragons. The book is very similar to the story of the Stolen Generation, except both adults and children are taken. We are currently reading this in Book Club each Wednesday. 


At the Sydney Writers' Festival the authors said that they are going to release a new trading card game called MEGABEAST DOMINION. It will feature all the characters from the book and one card will be made for every tribe in Australia. At the book signing they gave each person who had their Wylah book signed, three stickers and a card. We also got to design a card live on screen with suggestions. You can check out the card designs at 


Josephine & Anyi - Year 5 & Karzan - Year 6



Author - A.F Steadman 


Skandar is the main character and unicorns are not cute, cuddly, and fluffy. In short, they are not your average unicorns. Instead, they are crazy, vicious monstrosities, bloodthirsty beasts with horns coloured but only if they have their destined rider. Keena, his fifteen-year-old sister, and his only sibling, took the hatchery exam and miserably failed. His father is his only parent because his mother died three months after Skandar was born. Skandar is aged 13 when the mysterious rider liaison office calls his father and says, “Skandar can’t take the hatchery exam”. The hatchery exam was based around the four elements but not the banned element spirit. At midnight, Agatha shows up and takes Skandar to the courtyard outside his flat and Arctic Swansong, Agatha’s unicorn, takes him to the island illegally and he opens the hatchery door. He finds his destined unicorn named SCOUNDREL’S LUCK. There are five elements which are the core of the hatchery exam: fire, water, air and the banned element, spirit. “What is the hatchery door?” You may be wondering, well the hatchery door is a granite door with no handle and if you open it you walk down the tunnel of Living which is a tunnel full with names of riders and nomads. Hatchlings first year, Nestlings second, Fledglings, Rookies and fifth year, Predators, in short called Preds. Written by A.F. Steadman, this amazing novel is the start of a unicorn series.


At the Sydney Writers' Festival, A.F Steadman came all the way from the UK just to attend this event. With her, the massive audience created a unicorn and the person who came up with the name was its rider. It was cool, and we could get a crazy badge that shows either the spirit, water, fire, air, or earth symbol. She also gave a test that was like the Harry Potter test that determined if you were spirit, water, fire, air, or earth wielder. It was a wonderful experience for all of the Book Club students and teachers. A.F Steadman also had prepared a paragraph when the unicorn that we had created won the Chaos Cup.   


Rachel - Year 5