Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

P&C Meeting

On Wednesday, 14th May there will be a P&C Meeting. The meeting will take place at 9.30am in the Hall.

The P&C will also be announcing the winners of the P&C Art Competition afterwards.


Expressions of Interest for enrolment for Preschool 2024

Expressions of Interest to enrol your child in Preschool for 2024 are being accepted. Parents may apply for their child to enrol in Preschool for 2024 if the child turns 4 years of age on or before 31 July. Interested parents will need to contact the school office to receive the link to the Expression of Interest. 

Preschool attendance is NOT 5 days per week. Our Preschool children attend 5 days per fortnight - 3 days one week and 2 days the following week, during school hours. If you have any questions about the process or the preschool please contact our school during office hours.

The final day for Expressions of Interest is Friday, 21st July, 2023.


Semester 1 Reports

Semester 1 reports are being finalised and will be sent home with your child on Thursday. 29th June. The reports will indicate your child's achievement against state-wide syllabus standards, particularly the syllabus outcomes and content. 

There will be an opportunity for parents to discuss their child's report, with the class teacher, early in Term 3. Interpreters will be available. A note will be sent out in Week 9.


Gymnastics and Dance in Term 3

On Mondays, students in Years 4 & 6 will be participating in the Gymnastics program. This program is part of the PDHPE syllabus and is NOT optional. All students must participate in 150 minutes of physical activity per week. The 30 minute lesson contributes to this time and will run for 8 lessons. Permission notes will be sent out later this week. If cost is an issue, please contact the office so that your child doesn’t miss out.


Dance is a component of the Creative and Practical Arts syllabus. Students in Preschool, Years 1, 3 and 5 will be participating each Wednesday. As this is a physical activity, this 30 minute program contributes towards the 150 minutes of physical activity. Please return the signed permission slip. As per Gymnastics, if cost is a factor, please contact the office so that your child doesn’t miss out.


Quote for Week 8:

'Exercise is the key not only to physical health but to peace of mind.' Nelson Mandela