Careers News

Year 12 Non-ATAR & VCAL Mock Interviews 

Thank you to 30 volunteers from a range of local organisations, services and industry who assisted with a series of online Mock Interviews were held recently with 60 Kurnai VCAL and Non-ATAR students to prepare them for life after school.


The Mock Interviews rounded off an intense week of activity helping students focus on the skills and information they will need as they complete their secondary education.  Earlier sessions provided students with further guidance on resume preparation, interview skills, employment and further education and training options, Centrelink, Tax File, Medicare and the like.  


The Mock Interviews involved panellists with experience in recruitment and conducting interviews working in pairs to put students through a formal interview process, following submission of student resumes. Interviews lasted around 45 minutes with panellists providing direct detailed feedback to each student.      


Reports back from panelists and students told us how much they enjoyed and gained from the experience.  Panellists spoke of how impressed they were with the students, with consistent feedback that many were underselling themselves in their resume.  They also commended the students on their preparation, openness to feedback and how respectfully they approached what is a nerve wracking event.


For students the impact was immediately obvious, with increased confidence, sage advice obviously heard and taken on board and renewed energy and enthusiasm for the future acknowledging continuous adjustment in a COVID world.  


Thanks must go to:

  • Baw Baw Latrobe Local Learning and Employment Network – BBLLLEN
  • The Smith Family
  • AGL
  • TAFE Gippsland
  • Gippsland Tech School
  • Latrobe City Council
  • Latrobe Youth Space
  • HeadSpace
  • NanooNanoo
  • Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Cop-op – GEGAC
  • Yarram and District Health Service
  • Enjoy Church
  • The United Muslim Sisters of LV
  • Australian Paper
  • Anglicare