Celebration of Learning

Year 8 Creative at Home

Year 10 Textiles

Our Year 10 Elective Textiles class have been investigating and researching the Fast Fashion Industry. The class were asked to design an informative, appealing yet simple poster, that would help other students at Canterbury Girls understand the adverse affects, the fast fashion industry has on both the environment, and the people who work for the fast fashion corporations. 

And most importantly, it will hopefully inspire students at Canterbury Girls Highs think about their fashion purchases in the future, and do their own research into which fast fashion corporations are striving to make positive changes for their employees and the environment. 

Genevieve Albany's poster
Genevieve Albany's poster

Year 8 Creativity at Home.

Year 8 Year Advisors, during their Week 7 Year Meeting, asked Year 8 to submit what creative things they've been doing at home and below are the submissions. 



Ms Yen has a youtube channel where she uploads Maths lessons. Check it out by clicking here.


Ms Moodies Class

Ms Moodie is loving her classes engagement with her lessons.