Foundation Spotlight

Spotlight on (online) Learning

Narratives and Online Learning

During online learning we introduced many fun learning activities in reading, writing and maths. A major focus was on narrative writing.


We started with a story that is familiar to everyone, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


Children were challenged to identify the beginning, middle and end and write sentences to match their thinking. As lockdown extended, students explored other simple stories and were challenged to write their own endings to a story called ‘Ouch.’ It was a delight to read the new endings and we were inspired by the creativity that Foundation students demonstrated.



In the second week of learning we decided to investigate shadows. Students thought about how they are made. Some initial responses before we started our investigations included:

“Shadows only come out when the sun is hot” (Tilly O, FA) and they are “something that comes with you in the sun.” (Ritika G, FA)


As we investigated further, we built upon our understandings and found that we could make shadows in many ways and that “to change a shadow you move the light” (Hamish S, FA) and “your shadow changes because the sun moves” (Kaia A, FA). 


We also continued our focus on narrative and children were challenged to write an original narrative featuring a problem and resolution, which many children turned into extravagant shadow puppet plays.


Brain Breaks and Exploration Challenges

As students completed their online tasks they were provided with a variety of suggestions for ‘Brain Breaks’, such as doing Cosmic Yoga and exercises. They were also given a range of Exploration challenges, such as working on origami, making Miro inspired artworks or investigating the outside world.

In nature
Volcano eruptions in the sandpit
In nature
Volcano eruptions in the sandpit


Back to School

It was very exciting to come back after lockdown and the Foundation children settled very well into the daily routines of school life once again. We enjoyed celebrating the Olympic games and the opportunity to do Exploration with friends.


Green & Gold Day

Foundation children enjoyed supporting our Australian athletes during Green & Gold Day. They got to spend time with their Year 4 and 5 buddies and celebrated the Olympics in various ways.

~ Foundation Teachers and Students