High Ability & Enrichment Programs

High Ability Program

Throughout 2021, students in Years 5 and 6 have been participating in the Department of Education’s High-Ability Program. These students were selected by the Department of Education based on academic performance. In this program, students have been learning exciting new concepts across Numeracy and English. 


With classmates across Victoria, students have been guided by an online teacher through Virtual Schools Victoria, to challenge their own learning. They worked on problem solving, collaboration and engaging in LOTS of deeper learning tasks. 


“It enhanced my learning and knowledge of coding, and it was enjoyable. I liked working with my friends online and chatting about the learning”. ~ Elliot AK, 6A


“I like that it isn’t just basic writing or maths. We’ve learnt about screenwriting and how maths makes magic work”. ~ Eloise B, 6A
High Ability Program - English
High Ability Program - English
High Ability Program - English
High Ability Program - English

Enrichment Program

Parrwang Lifts the Sky
Parrwang Lifts the Sky

FPS has also been participating in the Enrichment Program. Students for the enrichment program are selected based on working 18 months or more ahead in a particular curriculum area. In semester one, some students from Years 3 and 4 explored the world of theatre and opera. We explored a new opera, Parrwang Lifts the Sky, written by Yorta Yorta soprano and composer Deborah Cheetham AO. 


This vibrant new work tells the creation story of the sunrise from the oral history of the Wadawurrung people. Unfortunately, due to the lockdown we could not experience the theatre live, but enjoyed watching virtually and meeting the performers, and backstage staff of the opera.


In term three, we look forward to engaging some high ability Year 1 and 2 students in Numeracy and English by participating in a maths games day, and a writing for the screen workshop run by ACMI. 


~ Prue Middleton & Chiara Vaiani Minchinton, Program Coordinators