Specialist Hub

Talent Show 2021

Thank you to all students who entered our lockdown Talent Show. We had so many talents, from piano players to singers and dancers, and every other talent in between! It was so great to see so many students get involved. 


A special shoutout to our hosts - Soleil (4A) and Leni (PB), and our judges - Arlo (6A), Scarlett (5C) & Siarra (5B), and Elise (6A) & Clio (4A). The show could not have been so amazing without them!


Congratulations to our awesome winners...

  • Iris Drago, 1A
  • Mimi Codd, 2B
  • Summer McKenzie, 3A

Here is the show you missed it the show or want to watch it again:


In addition to this, here is a link to the finalist‘s full videos:




Specialist Program Term 3 Highlights

What a challenging but exciting term we have had. Our amazing students have continued to soldier on, engaging in our online Specialist & Wellbeing Webex's. We would like to thank all the students for their dedication and hard work throughout the time.  We loved every minute of our discussions, our laughs, our shares, our art and our internet connections. Thank you Sunny Heights and happy holidays.

Love the Specialist Team


David 3B
Navroop 1/2A
Scarlett 5C
Spanish Fiesta Decorations
Spanish Virtual Escape
Taco & Picasso
Imagine a City - Art & Welling
Mindfulness Forcefield - Art & Wellbeing
Wellbeing Remote
Mr Huff - Art & Wellbeing
Wellbeing Remote - Art & Wellbeing
Audrey 6B
David 3B
Navroop 1/2A
Scarlett 5C
Spanish Fiesta Decorations
Spanish Virtual Escape
Taco & Picasso
Imagine a City - Art & Welling
Mindfulness Forcefield - Art & Wellbeing
Wellbeing Remote
Mr Huff - Art & Wellbeing
Wellbeing Remote - Art & Wellbeing
Audrey 6B