David's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


In Term 4 we will be holding a silent auction so that the FUNdraising committee can raise funds for our school community. Do you have an amazing business with something to offer? Friends with a footy team who can sign a ball for us? Do you know a top restauranteur or are you friends with Elon Musk? Whether you’ve got something valuable to donate (whether goods, services, collectables or your abilities), have some great local contacts with businesses that love our school, or have ideas about how we can make this event the most fun for ages, fill in this no-obligation form so we can get this ball rolling!


Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezpSg3LKGF7rEDYQ_n4AKUItY1BT_3BpJoybPbTF_HMNBijQ/viewform


I know that in recent weeks, we have put out messages of hope, our desire to have our students back and the opportunity to reconnect with our learning. This feels like it is ever further away, but please know that we are still a collective of learners, and still deeply connected to each other. In the background, as a school, we have also been working with our school council towards our school review. I have been watching the messages that our families recorded with Reuben Meltzer, parent of Bea in grade 2 at parent teacher interviews in July. We clearly have so many families who recognise our deep sense of community, and appreciate how much the school means as a central part of where we live. We absolutely love our students and families, and this sense of connection keeps us going, even when we aren't face to face.


This leads me to our celebration for the week; the Spanish Flash Mob, organised by Irene and Javi. I know how sad they were that the exciting events, games and food that had been organised for the Spanish Fiesta was not possible. Fear not, we will hold it in term 4 and make sure everyone gets their helping of Paella!

 ¡Muchas gracias por los videos de la fiesta! 

Thank you to everyone who brought so much joy back to Irene and Javi, for crafting an amazing series of dance videos and sharing your love with us. Please click the link below to watch the video and enjoy your boogie to the Spanish songs, and have an amazing weekend...