
It has been fantastic to see the students each morning in our morning meetings and then in our live Maths groups. Your positivity and commitment to your learning is great! 


In Literacy the students have continued writing interesting sentences using WOW words,  onomatopoeia and similes in response to a variety of texts and  Language Experiences such as Miss Melanie making popcorn and Miss Terri's volcano experiment.  This week the students have learning about authors and where authors get their inspiration from to write their stories. In addition, the students have also been retelling the beginning, middle and end of their favourite stories. 



Last week in Maths, the students participated in a variety of learning tasks related to patterns. These activities included identifying, naming and growing patterns. The students used various concrete objects to create patterns, naming patterns using letters and numbers and finally growing number patterns by applying a number rule. 


This week we started live Maths lessons and it has been wonderful to see the students online and ready to learn. In these lessons, we have been focused on making groups with an equal number of objects in each group. 

Potato Olympics

Last Friday the students participated in the Potato Olympics! Well done to the families that participated in this activity. It was fantastic to see so much enthusiasm and creativity from the students. 


Science Week 

Well done to all the young scientists that experimented with some fun experiments during Science Week.