Learning and Teaching

Speak With Power
This term, our Year 5 students will begin "Speak With Power". The course is facilitated by highly trained public speaker, Ron Thomas (Director of Speak With Power).
The course aims to prepare our students in the area of public speaking in preparation for leadership opportunities next year and in the future. The program consists of 6x100 minute lessons that will take place on the following dates:
23 August
27 August
30 August
3 September
6 September
10 September
Students will be taught how to structure a speech for maximum impact, how to generate ideas, introductions, conclusions and sign posting. They will have practice at delivering impromptu speeches, giving feedback and suggesting improvement in others and be given strategies to use when dealing with stress linked to public speaking.
We look forward to welcoming Ron back to Galilee and we are very excited to be providing this opportunity and experience to our Year 5 students once again.
Year 2 News
Jump Rope for Heart
We have been busy learning how to skip for Jump Rope for Heart. A lot of us had never skipped before, so this week has been our first time. It was quite tricky to begin with, but with a bit of practise we are starting to get the hang of it!
A few tips from Year 2:
Make sure you jump when the rope hits the ground.
Skip each day for exercise!
For criss cross, cross over at your elbows.
Make sure you drink lots of water!
Hold your foot in the middle of the rope and stretch it out to straighten it.
We wrote persuasive texts about why it is important to fundraise for The Heart Foundation. We all agreed that it was an important cause. Some reasons were; it helps for research, doctors will know what to do if we get sick, they can learn how to help our hearts, staying healthy is important, skipping is fun, it makes you feel good knowing your money is going to help people and that people will be able to live a longer life.