Principal's Report

Grandparents' and Special Friends Day
Due to a change to the Dendy Athletics date (usually a week before), Grandparents' and Special Friend's Day has had to change to Tuesday 20 August. There will be a Mass at St Peter and Paul's Church at 9:00am, followed by classroom visits and a Morning Tea. All Grandparents and Special Friends are welcome to visit the Book Fair during Morning Tea time.
Please be ready for a 9am start however this may be conditional on students' arrival time.
If there are any grandparents who have made arrangements to come in on the Monday and are unable to come in on Tuesday 20 August, please contact Helen Rochecouste and we will cater for you.
Consultation meetings with parents of students at Galilee to discuss the school’s revised proposed Master Plan for the future redevelopment of the school, will be conducted by the Architects for the project –CHC on MONDAY 26 AUGUST 2019. Please note that a Masterplan was developed in 2016 and we aim to revise this document. Two consultation meetings will be held in the school hall at the following times:
- Monday 26 August 2019 at 9.00-10.00am
- Monday 26 August 2019 at 6.00-7.00pm
We are investigating child minding facilities at school during the consultation meetings.
A consultation meeting with staff will be held on the same day at 3.45pm.
A consultation session with students will be held on 15 August 2019 at 12.00 noon.
Extensive consultation was held in 2016 to discuss the draft Master Plan and the current consultation will consider any changes to the plan to reflect available funding.
A Care Monkey will be sent this Monday and please RSVP by Friday 23 August 2019 if you intend to attend a consultation meeting for parents.
Trivia Night
The Annual Trivia Gala Night has been a resounding success! What a fantastic night for our community to come together to celebrate 25 years of Galilee with many sporting an impressive 'touch of silver’. 200 parents and staff attended the evening and after a moving Acknowledgment of Country by Meegan, Carly and Kate we were treated to a filling dinner of delicious sliders! After rounds of hard fought trivia, bingo and fearless paper plane throwing there were some great displays on the dance floor! Congratulations to table 2 for their impressive trivia win on the night.
A night like this could not have been possible without a cast of many including planners, people to set up, donations from over 100 local businesses, five amazing live auction items, sponsors and our parents supporting the event by attending, bidding on the silent auction from home or buying raffle tickets.
Thank you to Annalise Woolley who coordinated the entire event. A huge thank you to Emma Keating for single-handedly running the silent auction site and organising the majority of donations. Thank you to the team of parents that supported Annalise and Emma with the organisation of the event, donation collections, set up and graphic design; Jackie Scott, Annette Paparone, Steph Stringer, Jess Conway, Ros Norton, Maureen Wetzel, Bec Giorgilli, Brighid Fahy, Lieu Hoang, Gin Norcott, Michelle McCormack, Natalie Calafiore, Angas Smyth, Jon Woolley and Jeremy Scott.
Thank you to the Parent Reps who coordinated the prizes for the raffle which raised over $2500 alone!
Thank you to Brendan Coburn for again running the live auction. It was impressive to watch him in action, although he nearly had me buying the signed Collingwood Jumper!
Thank you to our five Galilee families and their businesses that sponsored our major fundraiser. Thank you Brendan Coburn from The Agency, Simon Flahavin from Keystone Building Surveyors, Jamie Bourbon from Rack World Systems, Bernard Mandile from Renatta Catering and Michael Collins from Aussie Home Loans South Melbourne.
I met earlier this week with the Galilee Parents Association and received the exciting news that the evening raised over $34 000! For a school of our size and for just one evening this is an outstanding result. As always the money raised will go directly to benefit our children at Galilee. When the money is allocated to a purchase for our students it will be announced to the community.
Uniform Survey
In the last newsletter (July 25), I published an update on the reviewing of our school uniform. As a draft is almost complete, The Uniform Committee are seeking your feedback on potential changes. It has been sent home tonight on Care Monkey and will close on Tuesday August 13 at 12pm.
Maths Night
Our Galilee Maths Evening is on the 15th August from 6-7pm.
Please join us for information about teaching and learning in Mathematics, as well as ideas for home learning and ways in which you can support your child.
We will be introducing and playing a number of Maths games on the night. If you want to find out more about Maths Olympiad, Learning Framework in Number, Essential Assessment and other areas of Maths, please respond to the CareMonkey form if you can come along. Everyone is welcome!
Open Morning
There will be an Open Morning next Wednesday 14 August from 9-10am for new families wanting a school tour and information about Galilee. Prospective families are invited to Morning Tea at 9am in the Staffroom (unless numbers dictate a larger venue) with the Principal and School Captains, followed by student-led tours.
Teeth on Wheels
On Monday we had Teeth on Wheels at Galilee. They will return next Tuesday 13 August to continue teeth examinations.
Staff Leave
Linda Florenca-Grillo will be on Long Service Leave next week and will return Monday 16 September. Maria Panagiatopoulos will work in Prep S on a Monday afternoon.
We welcome Julianne Price who is returning next week from Long Service Leave in Year 1C each Wednesday. We thank Maria for her wonderful service throughout 2019.
Book Week
Galilee is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on 19-23rd August to increase literacy and to encourage our students to read. Our Book Fair encourages children to be excited about reading and learning. The Book Fair will be located beside the hall (Park St Entrance) and will be open before and after school during Book Week. The Park Street Entrance will be closed during Book Week.
The theme of Book Week this year is Reading is my Secret Power. Grandparents Day Mass will be on Tuesday the 20th August at 9.00 am in St. Peter & Paul’s church. There will be a morning tea held in the hall for Grandparents after mass.
On Friday 23rd August, the children can come to school dressed up as a book character and there will be a parade for children to showcase their costumes from 9-10am on the day. You are more than welcome to come along and watch the parade.
Our Book Week incursion performance, will take place on Wednesday the 21st of August.
Achievements And Stories Of The Students
On the 4th of July Bridget in 3L took part in a Dynamics Gymnastics competition with one of her friends. Bridget has been doing gymnastics for 5 years and thoroughly enjoys it. At the competition, there were 12 teams and, in each team there was 12 people. She was given 1 term to practise 4 routines for all of the 4 types of gymnastics she competed in. She had routines on the beam, floor, vault and, her favourite, bars. Her favourite part was the bars because that was what she did best on. After Bridget had competed and everyone else had also finished she was awarded with a ribbon, for coming 6th in beam and bars. Bridget did an amazing job, she took delight in doing it so will continue to participate, next time.
Last Friday Harper in 3M competed in a basketball tournament at MSAC. Harper has been playing basketball for 4 years and is very good at it. He played 3 tough matches and succeed in moving on to the grand finale. It was tough, but Harper and his team managed to pull through and won! Him and his team were ecstatic, they all played their hearts out and had a great time. He was lucky enough to receive a medal for being a great player, and knowing what to do, which is really impressive. He had a really fun time and showed good sportsmanship.
By Bridget and Ali
4C Fundraiser
It’s that time of year again where everyone is collecting Coles Minis and Woolworths Ooshies. This year, 4C are running the Coles Mini / Woolworths Ooshie Fundraiser. This fundraiser, while helping the Galilee Community complete their collections, will also raise funds for people in need. Last year, the Coles Mini Fundraiser raised $300 for Queensland Farmers suffering from the drought.
For now, we are asking everyone to donate any Coles Minis or Woolworths Ooshies that they either have doubles of OR would not like to collect. We will be collecting them throughout the current supermarket promotions and the class that donates the highest number of collectables will win a prize!
More information about the Coles Mini and Ooshie Stalls will be provided in the coming weeks. In the meantime, we would love as many donations of Coles Minis or Woolworths Ooshies as possible.
Jeans for Genes Day
You may think you don't know anyone with a genetic disease or birth defect, when in fact - there is one in every classroom across Australia!
This year, Galilee is supporting Jeans for Genes Day on Tuesday 13th August. For a gold coin donation, you can wear jeans as part of your uniform to school. Every dollar raised will be donated to the organisation that can help these kids get the chance to have a normal life.
Simon Millar
(Principal of Galilee)