Spotlight on HOM

Managing Impulsivity
In Term 3 we have put the spotlight on Managing Impulsivity when visiting the office and sickbay. Quite often, we have students who come to the office and begin talking to staff regardless of whether they are in the middle of talking to someone or on the phone. Managing Impulsivity encourages students to STOP, THINK then GO: take your time, think before acting, and remain calm, thoughtful and deliberate.
In Term 1 we focused on Communicating with Clarity and Precision whilst visiting the office and we have been pleased to see an increase in students who come to the office displaying wonderful manners, waiting patiently for us and communicating with clarity and precision. Students have also been waiting patiently to be attended to in sickbay if several students present at similar times.
Whilst putting the spotlight on managing impulsivity in the classroom, Prep C created some posters to display in the office to help remind other students of how they too can manage their impulsivity.
Some of the strategies communicated to students this term include:
- Pointing out to students that they may have jumped in front of someone who was already waiting patiently to be spoken to
- If the office member is talking to someone else, wait until they finish
- Communicate your message in a clear, calm and precise way
- Reminding students to keep their voice down whilst in the office
The following students have received a nomination from the office for the Habits of Mind Spotlight Award of Managing Impulsivity:
- Henry in Prep H demonstrated Managing his Impulsivity by being patient while waiting for Jo to finish her task before he told her he had found money in the playground.
- Luca in 4H demonstrated his ability to Manage his Impulsivity by being patient while waiting to receive a late pass at the office.