Acting Assistant Principal

Luke Bennett
Acting Assistant Principal
I can’t believe we are over halfway through Term 3 already. The term is flying by, probably due to all of the brilliant things that have been happening in and out of our classrooms at Kingswood. Please read below for a summary of events that have occurred over just the last two weeks!
On behalf of School Council, I am pleased to announce that Aaron Cox has been appointed as the Principal of Kingswood Primary School. Aaron will officially begin his position on 8th October. Aaron has worked tirelessly as a classroom teacher, specialist teacher and assistant principal to create an engaging, innovative and enriching curriculum and environment for the students of Kingswood. We look forward to continuing our work with Aaron to make a positive difference in the life of every student.
Congratulations, Aaron!
Helen Evans, President, Kingswood Primary School Council
iiiSteam Conference
On Friday 10th August, over 300 educators from across Australia came together on a very windy but valuable learning day at Kingswood Primary School. Our annual iiiSTEAM conference was a resounding success!
Kingswood staff attended workshop learning sessions and listened to 3 Keynote speakers, Will Richardson, Dr Tim Kitchen and Dr Jordan Nguyen. The high level of expertise and knowledge that all of the 27 presenters brought on the day was well received and every delegate left with tools, tips and tricks to use in their classrooms.
Kingswood was well represented by presenters, Mr Nugent, Mr Eden, Mr Blamires and Mrs Paguio who led workshops on a range of topics. I was also thrilled to see eight of our own students present what happens in their lunchtime Code Club. The students were confident and knowledgeable it was a delight to see them teaching teachers how to code!
Ski Camp
On Wednesday 15th August, together with Dingley Primary, our students headed to Mount Buller for Ski Camp. Whilst there, the students participated in ski lessons, by the third lesion, all students had dramatically improved their skills on the slopes. They progressed from using the Magic Carpet travelator to using the Blue Bullet chair lift to reach the top of the mountain. The students also enjoyed some free time in the snow where they went tobogganing and built snowmen.
It was great to see the students from both schools bonding together and becoming great friends by the end of the trip.
Prep's 100 days of school
The Preps had a wonderful time celebrating their 100 days of school. There were many creative '100 themed' costumes, from 100 year olds to t-shirts with 100 dots on them, which were proudly shared during a parade. Students made portraits of themselves as 100 year olds, read 100-themed books and the highlight of the day was catching up with their buddies and making collections of 100.
We are very proud of all the achievements the Prep students have made in the first 100 days of school and we can't wait to help them continue learning and growing throughout their future school years.
Book Week
It was great to see so many students and staff dressed up as book characters to celebrate Book Week 2018. It certainly made the school look very colourful alongside our amazing displays in the library of the books that were created by each grade. A special thanks has to go to Lucie Hill our Library Technician who puts in lots of hard work in the library to make these events such a success.
Coming Up
As usual, Kingswood is a very busy school and we have lots of exciting things happening over the next two weeks! We have the Year 3 ACMI excursion, Father’s Day Stall, Peter Pan Production begins, District Athletics Carnival and our teachers will be participating in Professional Development sessions on Writing.